A story at Elizabeth Benjamin’s Daily News blog showed that Former State Senator Joseph Bruno was convicted of 2 of 8 counts.
Kenneth Lovett of the Daily News did an interesting recap on disgraced elected officials in Albany:
(excerpt from) The Daily News
Joe Bruno, Eliot Spitzer and Alan Hevesi all part of club of disgraced Albany pols
by Kenneth Lovett / Tuesday, December 8th 2009, 4:00 AM
ALBANY – Joe Bruno is just the latest of a long, shameful list of Albany’s power elite to go down in disgrace.
The last three years have seen the loss of a governor, a state controller and a number of state legislators because of scandal…
Fourteen state lawmakers have left Albany because of criminal or unethical conduct, a new report by the Citizens Union of the City of New York shows.
The problems have worsened over time: Four resigned because of criminal or unethical conduct from 1999 to 2004, the report says – but 10 have left in shame since 2005…
[Assemblyman Brian] McLaughlin, who resigned in 2006 while under indictment, pleaded guilty last year to racketeering after being accused of embezzling more than $2 million in state and labor funds…
Sen. John Sabini (D-Queens) pleaded guilty last year to drunken driving. He resigned and then was appointed head of the state Racing and Wagering Board.
He was replaced in the Senate by Hiram Monserrate, who this year was found guilty of misdemeanor assault on his girlfriend.
Filed under: local, New York State Politics, News, politics Tagged: | Albany, Brian McLaughlin, Citizens Union of the City of New York, government corruption, Hiram Monserrate, Joe Bruno, John Sabini, Joseph Bruno, New York State
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