Several state Green Parties are collecting signatures to win ballot access for 2010 elections – and beyond! No matter where you are, there is some way to help fellow Greens win the recognition they need from their state governments. Please help any of the following states, and stay tuned for further news from other state parties.
The Green Party of Texas must collect more than 40,000 signatures in the next two months. This is a high hurdle but one that a lot of volunteers can make happen! To help the Texas Greens, contact or call 210-471-1791. The Green Party of Texas is online at
The Green Party of Arkansas is set to start a ballot access drive on Saturday March 20th. The drive will last until June 18. The goal of the drive is to collect at least 15,000 signatures, in the expectation that 10,000 of them will be certified. You can make a donation or volunteer at
The Arizona Green Party just finished collecting signatures. They turned in nearly 30,000 signatures and are hoping enough will be validated to win ballot access. The Arizona party needs financial support to meet their obligations to collectors who helped get signatures. You can send checks to: Arizona Green Party, P.O. Box 60173, Phoenix, AZ 85082.
Always wanted to take a Hawaiian vacation? If you can get to Hawaii to help collect signatures in the next few weeks, please contact to volunteer!
Filed under: 3rd party, Action Alert!, activism, Ballot issues, election, Election 2010, grassroots democracy, Green Party
Arkansas = AR
AK = Alaska
I’ll try to get this on IPR later today if Kimberly hasn’t already. Got a bunch of stuff to post so we’ll see.
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