Last Wednesday, the Arizona Secretary of State’s office confirmed that approximately 24,000 Arizona voters successfully petitioned for the Arizona Green Party (AZGP) to have ballot status. “We would like to thank all the Greens in Arizona who stepped-up and assisted us in this monumental effort,” says AZGP co-chair Angel Torres.
Claudia Ellquist, AZGP Co-chair, attorney, and former Clean Elections Commissioner comments, “Green Party candidates offer voters straight talk, real alternatives, and pragmatic solutions.”
This will mark the fourth time in the 20-year history of the Arizona Green Party (AZGP) that they have achieved ballot status (previous ballot lines were in 1992, 2000, and 2008.) “We can now look forward to running Greens for all statewide offices. Several candidates have already pledged to seek office, and more potential candidates are now being interviewed,” says AZGP media spokesperson Erik Andersen. With ballot status, AZGP will be able to run candidates for statewide offices. All Greens that wish to run for office should call AZGP at (602) 417-0213 or email
The mission of the Arizona Green Party (AZGP) is to build and sustain an alternative, progressive political party that promotes and practices the Ten Key Values.
The Green Party does not accept corporate nor union contributions and uniquely relies on the generosity of individual donors and volunteers. The four pillars of the Green Party are Social Justice, Ecological Wisdom, Non-Violence, and Grassroots Democracy.
Filed under: 3rd party, activism, Ballot issues, Election 2010, grassroots democracy, Green Party
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