• The Dalai Lama, speaking in New York, says he’d join the Green Party if the US had one; US Greens are ready to welcome him
Green Party leaders responded today to the Dalai Lama’s statement on Thursday that the US has no Green Party, but he would join if one were started. “We’d be thrilled to welcome the Dalai Lama as an honorary member of the Green Party,” said Farheen Hakeem, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States. Speaking in Radio City Music Hall in New York City on Thursday, May 20, the Dalai Lama said, “America still, no Green Party. But, actually you should start one. Then, I may join.” [In the video above the Dalai Lama made a similar comment in 2008.]
We’re honored that the Dalai Lama said he’d be willing to join us. In the context of his speech at Radio City, he clearly recognized that the Green Party is the party of nonviolence, ecology, human rights and freedoms, and basic values of social justice and economic fairness. These values include democracy and self-determination for people around the world, including Tibetans.
The Dalai Lama apparently doesn’t know that we have a growing Green Party here in the United States. And perhaps for some good reasons, such as the media’s tendency to limit political coverage to the narrow choice between Democrat and Republican. Or because of the prohibitive and antidemocratic ballot access rules enacted in many states to hinder third parties and third party candidates.
The Dalai Lama delivered his speech in New York, where Green candidate Howie Hawkins was nominated for Governor by the Green Party of New York State on May 15, along with a slate of other candidates for statewide office (http://www.gp.org/press/pr-national.php?ID=316).
“The Dalai Lama is a shining example of nonviolence, compassion, and recognition of the need of humanity to evolve and change towards a new direction as we all potentially face the abyss. He, as representative of his people, forgives attack and truly turns the other cheek. He has encouraged cooperation and collaboration on many fronts, including between the medicines of the East and West. He is the type of person we need more of right now,” said Cecile Lawrence, New York Green nominee for the US Senate. Dr. Lawrence witnessed the Dalai Lama speak at Constitutional Hall in Washington, DC, at an international conference on Tibetan medicine.
The Dalai Lama’s comments were made in a month of Green Party advancements around the world (http://www.gp.org/press/pr-national.php?ID=315).
In the UK, Caroline Lucas became the first Green Party member ever elected to Parliament, representing Brighton Pavilion. And in Colombia, Green presidential candidate Antanas Mockus holds a strong lead in polls and may become the first Green Party head of a national government. The Colombian election will take place on May 30.
The Green Party of the United States will hold its 2010 Annual National Meeting in Detroit, Michigan, from June 24 to June 27. The meeting will highlight Green
Filed under: grassroots democracy, Green Party, News, Spiritual Study Tagged: | Dalai Lama
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