Measure is a clear example of how big money buys California elections, charges Green Party gubernatorial nominee
The Green Party of California’s gubernatorial nominee Wednesday called the passage of Prop. 14 and near victories of Prop. 16 and 17 clear examples of how big money is buying elections in California, using tens of millions of dollars to mislead voters.
The state’s most progressive political party said it is mulling its options after Tuesday, including joining a lawsuit to overturn Prop.14 and a possible statewide initiative to nullify it.
“The rotten part of Prop. 14 is that what it promised – open elections – is the exact opposite of what it will do. Prop. 14 will keep dissenting voices off the big November ballot,” said Laura Wells, who won the Green Party nomination for Governor Tuesday night with a victory over Los Angeles social justice activist Deacon Alexander.
Greens are already working with representatives of the five other ballot-qualified parties on plans to challenge Prop. 14 on constitutional issues. And, they are discussing a possible challenge to Prop. 14 on the streets – putting a ballot measure on the ballot that would give more power and more choices to voters, not less. Details will be released later this week.
But the story Tuesday was that at least $54.4 million was spent in support of various corporate propositions, including $40.5 million on Prop 16, $8.9 million on Prop. 17 and $4.6 million on Prop. 14. Combined, only about $1.2 million was spent to oppose these ballot measures.
“Silicon Valley mega-corporations, big insurance companies, the state Chamber of Commerce and Arnold Schwarzenegger bought the Prop. 14 election; in turn that will allow corporations to buy other elections, buy candidates and buy our government.
“There will come a day when people will realize that we can either take care of the mega-corporations and billionaires, or we can take care of the rest of us. I see days ahead when Californians will, indeed, follow the money, and run the other way,” said Wells, a financial specialist in Oakland.
She also noted the language of Prop. 14 confused voters, and that a similar measure, but not written in the same manner, was rejected by voters in Oregon.
“Who heads the department that writes make-it-or-break-it ballot language? Jerry Brown. Behind the scenes, Brown sides with corporate money, against the people and voter choice,” she said.
Filed under: 3rd party, Ballot issues, elections, green, Green Party, News, politics, progressive politics, third party, US Politics Tagged: | Arnold Schwarzenegger, ballot access, Corporations, Deacon Alexander, GPCA, Green Party of California, Jerry Brown, Laura Wells, Open Elections, Prop 14, Prop 16, Prop 17, third party coalition, third party lawsuit
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