Julian Assange, journalist from Wikileaks
Julian Assange has a website called WikiLeaks, which has been serving the public for several years by allowing people to release whistle-blower documents about problems with government. He is a journalist and visionary who is experimenting with new ways to create public accountability for governments. He needs the support of citizens and journalists around the world.
The US Government has been embarrassed by Wikileaks’ project, in cooperation with other news organizations, of leaking documents related to the Aghanistan War. And, as a result, the United States government is starting to attack, smear, and even threaten Julian Assange (and his young associate Jacob Appelbaum, and another person involved in this, or a similar leak, Pvt. Bradley Manning). Please see the Democracy Now! video link below for detailed information.
Video on DN! Julian Assange Responds to Increasing US Government Attacks on WikiLeaks.
The video includes: Discussion of the actual nature of the released material; some of the precautions Julian Assange took to try to protect people named (he withheld names and withheld documents, etc.); images of Admiral Mike Mullen and of Robert Gates smearing Julian Assange. It is flabbergasting that military folks orchestrating these illegal, immoral, wars of empire have the audacity to accuse Julian Assange of putting innocent people in harms way. Just laughable that Admiral Mike Mullen can speak of anyone besides himself having the blood of innocent people on their hands.
What is not laughable is for us to realize that Obama and the United States have decided it is okay for the United States to assassinate US citizens. And, that Julian Assange – being an Australian citizen – is rightfully fearful of what our country might do to him. We must awaken to the fact that people associated with our government are starting to say threatening things about Julain Assange. The American people must speak out. We must resist the path to barbarianism that our politicians have pulled us into since 9-11. Governments must not be allowed to do summary executions.
It is an outrage that in the wake of this document release, our government is focusing on punishing Julian Assange, a journalist, and Private Bradley Manning, a whistle-blower. For one thing, even if you believe in this war, our government were the fools to let this leak happen. Clearly, they showed incompetence and a lack of security. In addition, the documents reveal our governments’ callous disregard for civilian life. Our military and government officials are the ones who should be investigated.
Please consider blogging about Julian Assange and showing your support for the project he implemented — in collaboration with other media outlets, in a careful way, trying to retract some names, and leaving some documents unreleased until after study. And, if you can’t spread the word, at least keep vigil. Keep checking up on this activist colleague, and/or watch Democracy Now!, and/or do web searches on Julian Assange’s name, to make sure that no harm comes to him “in our name.” If you were in his position, you would want the world to help keep watch.
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, afghanistan, Anti-War, Barack Obama, international politics, Iraq, media, News, nonviolence, politics, progressive politics, rants, US Politics, war Tagged: | Admiral Mike Mullen, afghanistan, government accountability, journalism, Journalists, Julian Assange, Mike Mullen, Obama, robert gates, US government, US military, Wikileaks
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