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Guv cand Hawkins (G-NY) Thanks Petitioners, and Asks for November Help

The only way that the Green Party can regain ballot status in NY is to get 50,000 votes for their Governor candidate in 2010. This opportunity comes only once every four years, and it only applies to the Governor’s race. Gaining ballot status will enable the Green Party to run more peace candidates, more single-payer candidates, more anti-fracking candidates, and more sustainable energy candidates. The last time that the Green Party of New York State had ballot status it set the record for running the most Green candidates of any state.


On behalf of myself and the rest of the Green statewide ticket (Gloria, Julia, Cecile and Colia), I want to thank all our volunteers and supporters for their efforts to collect signatures to get us on the ballot.

We are able to turn in more than 27,500 signatures, with at least 100 signatures from almost all (26 of 29) of the Congressional Districts, showing our statewide support. I especially want to thank Michael O’Neill who was our statewide petition coordinator.

We now have 10 weeks until election day. We need your help to spread the Green message, telling your friends and neighbors about the Green New Deal that calls for jobs for all while addressing climate change through a massive investment in renewable energy. The Greens want a single payer Medicare for all universal health care program, to bring our troops home and to cut the military budget to free up funds for critical needs at home such as housing, education and the environment, to support equal rights for all, including marriage equality. We want to put an end to the war on drugs. You can read our various media releases and platform positions at www.howiehawkins.org and www.gpny.org.

Tell your friends that the Greens want to win on election day. Yes, we need 50,000 votes to get our rights back as an official party, but we want to win the election by setting the terms of debate and making every candidate, the media, and the public address the Greens’ real solutions to the problems we face. We can change the politics of New York State to make the Green agenda New York’s agenda. Tell your friends  and co-workers to vote for what they want, not defensively for the lesser evil against what they fear most.

As always, we appreciate any financial contribution you want to make – just go to our website. We need funds to pay for literature, yard signs, mailings, staff, etc. Right now Andy Cuomo and his wealthy contributors have 1,000 times as much money to spend as we do. We need to close the gap.

Even more importantly, we need your help in making the Green agenda visible. Please contact us if you would like to be connected to a Green Party group or organizer in your community. Help start one if it doesn’t exist.

We need help in distributing literature at local events, such as rallies, farmers markets, concerts – anywhere where people gather. Please write letters to your local newspapers – it is the best way for the Greens to get media coverage. (We will shortly have some samples on our web page). Organize a house party to explain the Green program and raise some funds – we will try to send one of our statewide candidates. Hold a Green Party meeting in your community to network with our Green supporters and develop a local outreach plan. Use your various social media outlets (email, facebook, twitter, you tube) to pass on the word. Talk to your co-workers and friends. Organize a local media event in support of the campaign (e.g., a peace vigil, an action against climate change). Have a Green contingent at local rallies, labor day parades. Arrange for a Green speaker at a college campus, senior citizen meal site, etc.

Another world is not only possible but essential. The Green Party always does best when the Democrats are in power, since the illusion that the solution to all problems is to vote for the Democrats is punctured. With the Democrats in power at the state and federal levels, we have record unemployment, war without end and a massive military budget, welfare only for the rich and powerful, politicians getting indicted left and right, insurance mandates rather than universal health care, and cuts in food stamps, housing, and education. Our liberties are under assault from what the ACLU calls the “normalization” of the Bush administration’s warrantless surveillance, indefinite detentions, “state secrets” shielding torturers from victim lawsuits, military commissions and targeted killings.  As catastrophic planetary heating accelerates, fossil fuel subsidies continue, nuclear subsidies grow, carbon-free renewable energy is radically underfunded, and federal climate change legislation has been pronounced dead on arrival.

One World, One Chance. Vote Green Party.

Howie Hawkins


6 Responses

  1. […] Guv cand Hawkins (G-NY) Thanks Petitioners, and Asks for November Help (www.onthewilderside.com) […]

  2. […] Guv cand Hawkins (G-NY) Thanks Petitioners, and Asks for November Help (www.onthewilderside.com) […]

  3. […] Guv cand Hawkins (G-NY) Thanks Petitioners, and Asks for November Help (www.onthewilderside.com) […]

  4. […] Guv cand Hawkins (G-NY) Thanks Petitioners, and Asks for November Help (www.onthewilderside.com) […]

  5. […] Guv cand Hawkins (G-NY) Thanks Petitioners, and Asks for November Help (www.onthewilderside.com) […]

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