this is why we need Instant Run-off Voting (IRV), a system where every vote counts. IN IRV, the voters rank the candidates like they do for the MVP award, best picture Oscar, and Mensa. A positive side-effect of IRV is that campaigning turns on issues and ends negative campaigning since every candidate is trying to get each voter to rank them second if they don’t rank them first.
Here’s to competitive elections. Here’s to spirited primaries that are fights for the soul of a party. Such races are terrific when focused on issues and core ideology. But when it comes down to the wire and the race is very close, the strategists often conclude that the only thing they can do is go negative. Then it’s all about bringing the other person down, not building yourself up. And once it starts, it gets ugly. You see it now with Eric … Read More
via NT2: Nec Temere, Nec Timide
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