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More Green wins and impressive percentages in ’07 election

More Green wins and impressive percentages in November 6 local elections

The Green Party has released its final tally of Green victories on Election Day, November 6, 2007. 16 Green candidates, out of 94 who ran on November 6, won their races for local office(pending confirmation of David Lussier’s county legislature victory in New York)*. A total of 142 Greens ran for public office in the 2007 off-year elections.

*update on 11/15/2007: David Lussier lost on the recount.

“We’re very proud of all our 2007 candidates. Along with our winners, we also note that Green candidates who didn’t win received impressive percentages in cities and towns where Greens are still a new party, or where local politics have been dominated by a single party, as in Baltimore and Tucson. These percentages prove that more and more Americans are willing to vote Green, and that the party made a leap forward in 2007,” said TE Smith, a member of the DC Statehood Green Party.

GREEN VICTORIES on November 6:

CALIFORNIA http://www.cagreens.org Larry Bragman and Lew Tremain were re-elected to the Fairfax City Council. Mr. Bragman finished first with 1,322 votes or 40.74%, and Mr. Tremain finished second with 969 votes or29.66 %. Three candidates competed for two seats. http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/rv/main/CurrentElection/Results.htm

CONNECTICUT http://www.ctgreens.org

MAINE http://www.mainegreens.org John Anton won his race for Portland City Council. Mr. Anton finished first among four candidates for two at-large seats, drawing 6,320 votes or 29.04%. http://www.johnanton.us/

MARYLAND Dan Robinson won his race for Tacoma Park Town Council Ward 3. He finished first of two candidates for one seat with 234 votes or 67.6%. http://danrobinsonforcouncil.org/

MASSACHUSETTS http://www.massgreens.org

  • Chuck Turner easily won reelection to Boston City Council (District 7) with 81% of the vote.
  • Luc Schuster won reelection to the Cambridge School Committee, finishing fourth out of nine candidates for six seats. Mr. Schuster received 1,658 first place votes. www.voteluc.org/

NEW YORK http://www.gpnys.org David Lussier, running in a partisan race for County Legislature (District 7) in Albany, has a five vote lead with all machine votes in on Election Night. 90 affidavit and absentee ballots remain to be counted on November 14. Mr. Lussier’s 531 votes places him ahead of Democrat Brian Scavo (526 votes). Mr. Lussier campaigned vigorously among absentee ballot voters, and Greens are optimistic that his victory will be confirmed. http://www.lussierforleg.com

PENNSYLVANIA Sam Ettaro won as a write-in candidate for Curwensville Borough in Clearfield County. http://www.ettaro.com http://www.citizensadvocate.net

VIRGINIA http://www.vagreenparty.org Three Virginia Green were elected to local Soil and Water Conservation Boards: Chris Simmons in Loudon County; Kathleen Harrigan (write-in) for the Tri-County Soil and Water commission in Fredericksburg; and Daniel Metraux in Staunton.

GREENS WITH GOOD PERCENTAGES: races where Green numbers show major increases over previous elections or Green candidates achieved significant percentages in cities dominated by a single party.

  • Arizona: Beryl Baker received 27% for Tucson City Council (Ward 1); Dave Croteau received 28% for Mayor of Tucson.
  • Indiana: Kathleen Petitjean captured 23% of the vote in the 1st District City Council race in South Bend, the largest percentage of votes ever garnered by a Green candidate in the state.
  • Maryland: Bill Barry received 27% in his race for Baltimore City Council. Maria Allwine drew 17% for Baltimore City Council President. Both ran against incumbents in a city long dominated by Democrats.
  • Washington: Joe Szwaja finished second out of two candidates with 21,471 votes or 29.47%. Sally Soriano lost her reelection to the Seattle School Board with 25,966 votes or 38.22%; her opponent raised $130,000 with the help of corporate contributors for a $5,000 a year job.

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