It’s still a little early to see whether National Opt Out Day will affect the TSA screenings, or give a message to the Obama Adminstration and Homeland Security about Americans’ right to travel in dignity. Though, there is an interesting story about a meeting on Capitol Hill on Monday, which makes me think the politicians are nervous about the public reaction to the screenings. And, below is a cool video of someone who started the protest yesterday with a creative idea…
From the video description: “My friend Jimmy successfully navigated a TSA security checkpoint in a speedo swimsuit at the Salt Lake City International Airport on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 with the words, ‘SCREW BIG SIS’ written on his back.”
Editor’s note. Re: Big Sis
When I posted this video, I did not exactly understand the message on this young man’s back. I was thinking, “Who is Big Sis?”. And, I thought “Big Sis” meant something like Big Brother with technology, or Big Brother with a friendly face. Now, I have learned that “Big Sis” refers to Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano. I am not thrilled about nicknames in general, or the language of this specific message. Though, when someone like Ms. Napolitano has that high profile a job, and uses it to oppress Americans, and take away their civil liberties, I guess people have to do something to struggle against that person…]
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, News, progressive politics, US Politics Tagged: | airport screening, airport security, airport security screening, Big Sis, Big Sister, Demonstrations, Full body scanner, Janet Napolitano, naked scanner, National Opt Out Day, Opt Out Day, Salt Lake City Airport, Salt Lake City International Airport, scanner demonstrations, speedos, Thanksgiving travel, travel, TSA, Who is Big Sis
Way to go.