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AZGP surpasses 5000 registered Greens!

Activists of the Arizona Green Party collectin...

Activists of the Arizona Green Part

Arizona Green Party (AZGP) has increased registered voters since 2010 Primaries

The Arizona Republic recently wrote an article on January 25, 2011, “Independents now outnumber Dems in Arizona,” showing there are now 5040 registered Green Party voters in the state of Arizona. According to AZGP Co-Chair Angel Torres, “this is an increase of more than 200 voters since the November election, and an increase of almost 500 Greens since the August 2010 Primary Election; we are 25% of the way towards permanent ballot status.”

2010 marked the 20 year anniversary of the Arizona Green Party and they look forward to broadening their base by educating voters on their progressive positions on local and national issues.

“Most people have this notion that a stereotypical Green Party member is this hippie tree-hugging environmentalist, and that isn’t always the case,” says Luisa Evonne Valdez, who was recently elected as AZGP Co-Chair this month. “What people don’t see enough of is the social justice and economic reform that the Green Party fights for. We focus on 10 Key Values that encompass a wide variety of issues. We believe in Single-Payer Health Care for all, we have been against SB1070 from the beginning, we believe in Marriage Equality and Equal Rights/Protections for our LGBTQ communities, we want to Close Corporate Tax Loopholes, fight for fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget that is based on fair taxation and not dependent on sales tax or through slashing funding for our most vulnerable populations.”

Valdez continued: “We support conservation of our land and resources, protecting our parks and wildlife, as well issues like strengthening our middle class and increasing green jobs in Arizona through clean energy. The more we can create awareness for the diverse and all-encompassing issues we strive to achieve, the more people will understand that being Green is more than just hugging trees, it is about restoring civility and humanity through compassion and common sense.

The 10 Key Values of the Green Party are: Grassroots Democracy, Social Justice and Equal Opportunity, Ecological Wisdom, Decentralization, Non-Violence, Community Based Economics and Economic Justice, Feminism and Gender Equity, Respect for Diversity, Personal and Global Responsibility, Future Focus and Sustainability. If you would like to learn more about the Arizona Green Party, please visit www.azgp.org or find us on facebook!

2 Responses

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by wilderside, Martell Thornton. Martell Thornton said: AZGP surpasses 5000 registered Greens! « OntheWilderSide: According to AZGP Co-Chair Angel Torres, “this is an i… http://bit.ly/gRQDEy […]

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