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Egypt: Action Alert from Amnesty International USA

Note: On Feb 3, 2011, two Amnesty International staff members have been detained in Egypt.

Amnesty International USA: TAKE ACTION NOW!
from a January 29, 2001 e-mail

The crackdown on freedoms is intensifying across Egypt as security forces use tear gas, water cannons, live rounds and lethal force against protesters.
Pick up the phone and help us call for human rights to be respected in Egypt! (Number and script below to call the Egyptian Embassy)

Thirty years of repression is spilling out onto the streets of Egypt in the forms of tear-gas, blood and bitter demonstrations.

For four days, Egyptian protestors have suffered at the hands of President Mubarak’s security forces.

At least 14 protestors have been killed and scores more have been injured. The crackdown on freedoms is intensifying as authorities have cut all Internet and phone communications.

There’s no telling how long the violence will continue or how many people will suffer in the end.

The number one request we’re hearing from our fellow Egyptian activists is to have their voices heard at various Egyptian embassies and consulates.

We intend to do all we can to make that happen, but Egyptian authorities are making it very difficult.

Our emails are not getting through and it will take far too long for our letters to reach anyone who can make a difference.

That is why we’re asking you to place an urgent call to the Egyptian embassy (202) 895-5400 and dial “1” to speak to a real person about the State of Emergency in Egypt.

Ask the person who answers the call to pass on this important message – and don’t take “no” for an answer:

“Please urge the Egyptian government to respect human rights, rein in the security forces, and restore access to all communications in Egypt.”

Help us make the Egyptian embassy’s phone ring off the hook! Then tell us how your call went.

Three decades of living under the harsh and oppressive State of Emergency is unacceptable.

The people of Egypt deserve to have their voices heard and to organize peacefully. They deserve human rights.

Phone calls are best. But you can also support human rights in Egypt by making a gift to Amnesty International today so that we can strengthen our efforts to monitor and quickly respond to dangerous situations such as these whenever they arise.

Thank you for keeping watch over human rights in Egypt. We will continue to keep you informed.

Geoffrey Mock
Country Specialist, Egypt
Amnesty International USA

P.S. For the latest updates on the situation in Egypt, please follow our Human Rights Now blog and the worldwide discussion on Twitter.

One Response

  1. Hi,

    I just called and dialed 1. Someone answered and quietly said “Hello”. When I started talking, he forwarded my call on to a recorded message that said they only take inquiries from 2-5pm Mon- Fri. I left a message there.

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