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Real news and live feed from Egypt

*A Long Island activist, Zabby, suggests calling US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to ask that the US withhold the 1.5 billion to 2 billion dollars in aid that we give Egypt. We are giving Egypt military aid and weapons, and they are using it to oppress people. That is wrong. You can call the Secretary of State’s office at: (202) 647-6607. (Be polite.)

More than a million people in Liberation Square in Egypt!

Update: 9:20am/EST: Two million people in Liberation Square!

Live Feed at Al-Jazeera, via Common Dreams: here.

KW writes: LOL! You would think that the US media would not have to undercount demonstrations in other countries. But, so be it. The AP/Newsday story says this morning, “More than a quarter-million people flooded into the heart of Cairo Tuesday…” Though, Al-Jazeera English says in print that there are “at least a million”, and on the live-feed, someone is reporting that it is near two million.

In addition, someone on Al-Jazeera said that across the country, there are eight million protesters, which means that 10% of all the 80 million Egyptian population are protesting.

Al Jazeera is reporting that the current is issue is the demonstrators deciding if they should just stay in Tahrir Square (Liberation Square), or continue with the plan to march to the Presidential Palace. Evidently, there is something to be said for keeping their present position while they have so many gathered, and have security measures set up to keep out looters or secret police. An announcer on Al-Jazeera is saying that the atmosphere is like a huge, rock festival, like Egypt’s Woodstock. Also, people from all social groups.

Q & A

How many people have gathered in Tahrir Square, Egypt, as of Tuesday morning, 9:00am EST/NY Time?

As of early Tuesday morning, The AP and Newsday say about a quarter of a million.

As of 9:20am EST/NY Time, Al-Jazeera English says 2 million.

How many people are protesting in Egypt?

Al-Jazeera reports that 8 million people are protesting across Egypt. That number is 10% of the total population.

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