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Oppression can be subtle: Hang in there for Occupy Wall Street

PLEASE TAKE ACTION TO STOP EVICTION TOMORROW — Be there Friday, October 14th at 6am

1) In NYC: Call 311 and tell Bloomberg to support our right to assemble and to not interfere with #OWS.
(Long Island and all out of town call 212-NEW-YORK/212-639-9675)

2) Come to #OWS on FRIDAY AT 6AM to defend the occupation from eviction.
(Nearby subway stations: Cortland Street, Wall Street, and Fulton Street. Fulton Street worked well for us when we came in from Penn, you can catch the following subways to Fulton Street station: A, C, J, Z.

Live Streaming from NYC: here.

It seems that the New York Police Department, Mayor Bloomberg, and Brookfield Office Properties are telling the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators that they must move by Friday in order to have the park cleaned. It comes at an interesting time, since the next day, Saturday, October 15th, is a day of worldwide action that Occupy Wall Street is scheduled to march with. Also, a lot of the story the police and the property company are giving is fishy.

(excerpt from) Capital New York
Bloomberg tells Occupy Wall Street protesters to clear Zucotti Park by Friday
11:04 pm Oct. 12, 2011

Wall Street may not be occupied for much longer.
Two days after Mayor Michael Bloomberg said protesters could stay in Zuccotti Park “indefinitely” if they followed the law, the mayor visited them tonight to say they had to be out of there by Friday, according to the mayor’s office. The reason given by the mayor tonight was that the park needs to be cleaned.

The request to clean the park is coming from the company that owns it, Brookfield Office Properties…

It seems like b.s. that an outside park must be cleaned. I know that the demonstrators are using greywater to help keep the plants nice. I know that the occupation group takes safety and cleaning seriously, and has committees and volunteers to help with these issues.  And, with my own eyes, I saw an activist with a broom there on Sunday. The occupiers are taking measures to clean. So, what else has to be clean about a cement sidewalk that people walk through with their shoes on?

Also, part of the story is that Brookfield Office Properties is saying that a woman complained to them that she had a package stolen. Well…why would she complain to Brookfield and not the police? And, why is that an anecdote that a property company is telling? Where is the woman? Why didn’t someone report her package at the time? Or, ask people to help her find it? (If you have been to Liberty Square/Zucotti Park lately, it is a little crowded. Something could get accidentally lost or misplaced.)

I think someone should investigate if there really was a package theft, or if Brookfield is lying to the press. And, if there was a package theft reported to Brookfield, did Brookfield interfere with justice by failing to report it to the police immediately?

Also, another concern listed is that IF the underground lighting is cracked, it could be an electrical problem. Well, so far, the occupiers were clever enough to cooperate with a nurses union and get free health care training. So, maybe the demonstrators could find an electrical workers’ union that would offer to do a safety inspection of the lighting (while the demonstrators remain in place)?

A strategy to answer the concern that the police, the government, and the big corporation may be trying to trick them into disbanding: The demonstrators might consider asking the Mayor and the NYPD for a specific location that they can bring 300 to 600 people to to sleep in that night as an alternative. In other words, if the only problems are specific to Liberty Square, and they only need to move for one night, then ask that the NYPD give them specific, written permission of where they are allowed to stay for that one night.

If Brookfield Properties is genuinely interested in helping out the NYC community, and in not oppressing the demonstrators, then Brookfield Properties can use their resources to give the demonstrators free accommodations — either inside or outside — while the park is cleaned. Does Brookfield Properties have any vacant land or vacant rooms? I would guess the do.

I offer my support (and empathy) for the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators as they decide what to do with this demand to leave in order to clean. It is a sticky situation. And, seems from the timing and weird story, that it is probably a ploy on the party of the government and the 1%.


A chant for the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators to sing, when Mayor Bloomberg, Brookfield, or the press accuse them of being dirty:

There ain’t no flies on us…Uh!
There ain’t no flies on us…Uh!

There may be flies
on some of you guys.
But, there ain’t no flies on us…Uh!

The demonstrators at Liberty Square do not need a washing. It is Wall Street and the banksters who need to clean up their act.

2 Responses

  1. […] Oppression can be subtle: Hang in there for Occupy Wall Street (www.onthewilderside.com) LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_bg", "ffffff"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_text", "333333"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_link", "0066cc"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_border", "f2f7fc"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_url", "ff4b33"); LD_AddCustomAttr("LangId", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Autotag", "politics"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Autotag", "sports"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "ascension"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "brookfield-properties"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "michael-bloomberg"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "new-york-city"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "new-york-city-police-department"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "nypd"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "occupy-wall-street"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "wall-street"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "zuccotti-park"); LD_AddSlot("wpcom_below_post"); LD_GetBids(); Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Ascension and tagged Brookfield Properties, Michael Bloomberg, New York City, New York City Police Department, NYPD, Occupy Wall Street, Wall Street, Zuccotti Park. Bookmark the permalink. ← Headlines from Opednews.com: OWS Updates/Info […]

  2. […] Oppression can be subtle: Hang in there for Occupy Wall Street (www.onthewilderside.com) […]

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