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A Poetic Scene On Wall Street: 14 arrests and one, really loud poet!

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What a wonderful, beautiful, symbolic scene!

Alex Carvalho is a poet-occupier who was arrested for starting a Mic Chec (which I think was a poem).

As he was being arrested,  and carried away by two policemen, he shouted “Poetry will never die”.

Now he is in the paddy wagon shouting his head off. I think he is shouting poems and comments to the police. This guy has spirit!!!!!! I wonder what the police will do? Maybe they will have to take a half empty Police Van back to the station, because Alex is making a scene and inspiring people? Go Alex! Go Alex!

Also arrested…

Four people were arrested this morning, and ten people this evening. Two people were arrested for the crime of “sitting” in a sensitive zone or something. One of those folks was Thorin Caristo, who was there as press. He is a Live Stream host very well known to the occupy community. The other person arrested for sitting was Amber O’Frank.


The police are arresting people for being loud or shouting. So, folks did a round of “F-ck Monsanto” (I think in hopes that they got arrested, the press would have to report the words!!!!)

One Response

  1. […] A Poetic Scene On Wall Street: 14 arrests and one, really loud poet! 9 hours […]

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