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Drum roll, please…Winner of The Strip Search Limerick Contest

Strip-Search For Poetry: A Limerick Contest For The Supreme Court

The results are in for the contest we held to create limericks about the Supreme Court’s horrible decision on strip searches, which has decimated the 4th Amendment of the Constitution.  With this recent decision, any person who will be held in the “general population” in a jail can be strip searched by prison officials. That means that people can be strip searched for traffic tickets, jay-walking, etc. (See more at Reuters: here.) America has descended into such oppression. Though, at least, for a moment, perhaps we can laugh (or, chuckle, cautiously?).

You can see eleven limericks in the comments
at the contest announcement post: here.

And the winner of this
onthewilderside contest is…

Madeleine Begun Kane

Supreme Indecency

Thanks to Kennedy, Roberts, Scalia,
And their pals, cops can strip ya and see ya.
They don’t need any reason:
It’s strip searching season.
Our privacy’s gone! Mama mia!

Congratulations to Madeleine Begun Kane for her winning entry. You can find more of her poetry at her website, Mad Kane’s Political Madness.

We are also pleased to publish two “Honorable Mentions”…

Honorable Mention:
by Jeff from Pisces

Citizens United declares
A person’s rights the corporation now shares
So it’s about time
When accused of a crime
Big Business must show off its ‘wares!

Honorable Mention:
by John Schindler

Chief Justice John Roberts is a clown
He turns privacy rights upside-down
So now we will find
Justice more than blind
Doing a Perp walk with her pants down!


Background and info:

You can find more details about this decision at the ACLU/American Civil Liberties Union: here.

Want to know which justices voted which way in the Strip Search decision?

How the Supreme Court voted in the recent Strip Search case:
(Florence v. Burlington)

Voted FOR giving jails more rights to strip search people:

Chief Justice John Roberts
Justice Anthony Kennedy
Justice Samuel Alito, Jr.
Justice Antonin Scalia
Justice Clarence Thomas


Voted AGAINST. (Note: All three women of the court voted in the way that would have protected people’s privacy)

Justice Stephen Breyer
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Justice Elena Kagan

4 Responses

  1. […] Update 4/24/2012: The winner has been announced! See the post at onthewilderside: here. […]

  2. […] Drum roll, please…Winner of The Strip Search Limerick Contest (onthewilderside.com) […]

  3. Thanks so much for naming me the winner of this limerick contest. I’m delighted and honored!

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