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Green Party of Suffolk Joins Move to Amend: Brookhaven

Green Party of Suffolk

Green Party of NYS ballot symbol

The Green Party of Suffolk has become a part of Move to Amend: Brookhaven (movetoamend.org/ny-brookhaven).  Spearheaded by Lauren Carmichael, Brookhaven‘s division of Move to Amend, like others throughout the country, is seeking to proclaim:

• Corporations and unions are not people and are not endowed with inalienable human rights.

• Money is not speech (money is property), and therefore, regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech.

• Communities have the right to protect, our land, our environment, our homes, our health, and all of our citizens (children, elders, workers, the sick and the poor) against actions which overturn our democratically enacted laws.

And so, to protect our democracy, our health, our lives, our families, our communities and our futures, we move to amend the United States Constitution to affirm that only real people – human beings – are sovereign and entitled to inalienable human rights protected under the Constitution.

According to Carmichael,

We at Move to Amend Brookhaven are committed to mobilizing, educating, and involving folks in our community to join us in asking our council members to show support for the 28th Amendment movement by passing a resolution that states that money is not speech (money is property) and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not the equivalent to limiting political speech; corporations and unions are not people and are not endowed with inalienable human rights.  After researching what the Greens stand for, I came to the conclusion that the Greens are the party that can move our country forward.  The Greens are not bought and sold by the corporations that are driving our country into a death spiral.  

Dr. Jill Stein

Dr. Jill Stein

Dr. Jill Stein (jillstein2012.org), who is running for the Green Party’s Presidential nomination, also recently spoke about the movement.

Since 1996, the Green Party has called for a constitutional amendment to abolish the doctrine of corporate personhood. Greens have been ahead of the curve, but today, the curve has caught up with us, and now this movement for a constitution that serves we, the people, has gathered a historic momentum.

US Senate cand Colia Clark at Green Party of Suffolk 2012 Annual Meeting

Colia Clark

The Green Party’s US Senate candidate, Colia Clark (coliaclark.org) addressed the issue as such:

Corporations are not individuals. They have created this present disaster. As a candidate for the US Senate, I will campaign vigorously to prevent these corporations from interfering with campaign funding and controlling our government. I will work vigorously to make sure this legal fiction is wiped out of the law.  Corporations are not human beings. Corporations are businesses. And they are in the business of making sure human beings do not have access to the electoral process.

The Green Party has been a consistent voice against corporate and government abuses“, said Roger Snyder, Green Party of Suffolk’s Chair.  He went on to say that the Party is excited to join with citizen’s movements across the country, protesting corporate corruption. The Green Party of Brookhaven, a division of Suffolk County’s party, is an active Chapter that will be working closely with Lauren Carmichael, and other members and organizations that are currently part of the movement, to bring this amendment before the Town Board.

To join the Brookhaven movement with the Green Party, please contact Brookhaven Rep Marisa Pizza at FLY1632@AOL.com. For more information about the Green Party, please visit the website: www.gpsuffolk.org. With an automatic ballot line in New York,  the Green Party of Suffolk will join with states across the country in putting their Presidential candidate on the November ballot. The Green Party is a worldwide political movement. The four pillars of the Green Party are: Social and Economic Justice; Grassroots Democracy; Ecological Wisdom and Non-Violence/Peace.

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6 Responses

  1. […] Green Party of Suffolk Joins Move to Amend: Brookhaven 14 hours […]

  2. […] Green Party of Suffolk Joins Move to Amend: Brookhaven(onthewilderside.com) […]

  3. […] Green Party of Suffolk Joins Move to Amend: Brookhaven […]

  4. […] Green Party of Suffolk Joins Move to Amend: Brookhaven(onthewilderside.com) […]

  5. […] The above Green Party press release with photos and contact information can be found at onthewilderside: here. […]

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