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Petroleum, Poetry and Peace 3/22/14

The Exploration for Ecological Hope, Economic Justice and A Sense of Place

Margie Swedish

Margie Swedish

On Saturday, March 22, 2014, Homecoming Farm will hold its Fourth Annual Spring Awakening. The program entitled “Petroleum, Poetry and Peace: The Exploration for Ecological Hope, Economic Justice and A Sense of Place” with Margie Swedish and The Peace Poets. For more information, please call S. Jeanne at 631-842-6000, Ext. 338 or email earthhomej@aol.com.

The program will take place at the Helen Butler Hall  at Dominican Village, 565 Albany Avenue, Amityville, NY  11701.   It will run from from 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Lunch is included in the $20 admission. Proceeds will benefit Homecoming Farm & Sophia Garden.   

To register, mail your name, address, email, phone number number of seats, along with your check, to Homecoming Farm, 555 Albany Avenue, Amityville, NY  11701. Please make checks payable to Homecoming. Please pre-register by March 15 to ensure lunch is available.  Special student rates upon request

Join us as we explore our relationship with the Earth through the prism of Poetry, Spirituality and A Sense of Place, while facing the crises of climate change, fracking and the scarcity of available resources.

Swedish will share her reflections on her pilgrimage to the Alberta tar sands and her insights into the ecological crises we are facing including their impact on our own Sense of Place. She is founder of The Center for New Creation; blogger of Spirituality and Ecological Hope , and  pilgrim to the Alberta Tar Sands. Swedish is the author of the new book: “Living Beyond the ‘End of the World’ : A Spirituality of Hope.”

The Peace Poets

The Peace Poets

The Peace Poets, a community based arts collective from New York City, will be performing their poetry that moves the spirit and touches the heart as we explore ways of creating more just and loving communities.

Homecoming Farm, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville  is committed to the belief that the human and natural world is one community of life. We believe when we care for the Earth, we care for ourselves, each other, and future generations while creating sustainable communities.

Homecoming Farm, entering it’s 18th season,  is a NOFA NY LLC certified organic Community Supported Agriculture, (CSA) farm located on the grounds of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville.  Members purchase shares in the farm and also participate in the donation of food to the Interfaith Nutrition Network, (The INN).

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