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A poem inspired by the mine rescue

[Update: Princess Jessica/Princesa Yesica poem in Spanish at bottom of page]

Princess Jessica of Chile

He, being first thought dead
and now weary from the long ordeal

She, having transformed her worries
into curling hair, polished lips,
and the desire to become
a symbol of welcome and life to him

He, stepped out from the cage that
pulled him up from underground

She, sending their child ahead
as an emissary of hope
with the first hug

He, slightly disoriented
then remembers he has her
Has this treasure of life
this alliance he formed and nourished
this partnership and comfort he can return to

She sees it is time to step towards him
with her beauty, and compassion,
and jewels of grace.

They remake their union
in a long, slow
in a long, slow nearly forever embrace

Her crown topples to the ground

For a moment, no one sees
it is a hard hat in place of royal jewels
a miner’s helmet falling to the earth,
bearing witness, bringing attention

a miner’s life falling to the earth
with the eyes of the world

by Kimberly Wilder


I have finally found pieces of Victor Zamora’s own poetry on-line. Here is some from miner Victor Zamora, himself:

As quoted in The Independent UK…”Under the earth there is a ray of light, my path, and faith is the last thing that is lost… I have been born again.” -Victor Zamora


(excerpt from) Latin American Herlad Tribune
excerpts from Victora Zamora’s poem included in the article…

“Raise your spirits, fellow miners, first we must organize and come together, we must pray. Ask God for the drill to get here in time…

All I thought of in that moment was to tell my wife and children how sorry it made me. They await me anxiously, they came to the entrance, here inside I wept…”


La Princesa Yesica de Chile

Él, siendo primero dado por muerto
y ahora cansado de la larga ordalías

Ella, haber transformado sus preocupaciones
en rizar el cabello, labios pulido,
y el deseo de convertirse
en un simbolo de dar la bienvenida y vida a él.

Él, saliendo de su jaula
que lo a levantado de bajo tierra
Ella, enviando a su niño adelante
como un emisario de esperanza
con el primer abrazo

Él, un poco desorientado
entonces recuerda que la tiene
que el tiene este tesoro de la vida
esta alianza que él formó y alimentó
esta asociación y consuelo que puede regresar a él.

Ella ve que es tiempo de tomar un paso hacia él
con su belleza, y compasión, y adornos de gracia.

Se renueven su union
en un largo, lento
en un largo, lento abrazo casi para siempre

Su corona derrumbada a el terreno

Por un momento, nadie ve que es un casco
en lugar de las joyas reales
el casco de un minero cayendo a la tierra,
testimoniar, trayendo atencion

La vida de un minero cayendo a la tierra
con los ojos del mundo

Poem by Kimberly Wilder
Spanish translation by Rosemarie Komorowski and Kimberly Wilder

5 Responses

  1. Beautiful poetry! I loved it! You took a snapshot of that moment and captured it well. Thank you for sharing this and thank you for reading my Poetic News Spin tribute as well!

    My tribute in poetic form to the mine rescue can also be viewed here:


  2. This poem creates such a vision in the readers’ mind and serves as a celebration of the witnessing of a miracle for all of us “outsiders”—-I so noticed the manicures and hair last night Please work hard on Friday to find a way to share this with the world. My favorite part is the crown!

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