From Kimberly:
It appears that Cynthia McKinney has written a note to the Green Party of the United States Steering Committee saying that she will not seek the Green Party line for President in 2008.
Though, I hope she will reconsider.
And, I hope that grassroots Greens will beg her to reconsider.
I have a great fear that–like in almost any organization–a few people at the top think they are steering things the correct way. And, I fear that a handful of people at the top of the Green Party may not have begged Cynthia enough to run with us. I have been part of several campaign teams, before. I learned that with a high profile candidate, there are so many secretaries and screeners, and some needed filters of communication, that sometimes the candidate cannot even hear people trying to reach out to them. I believe that is part of what happened with Nader and the Greens in 2004. And, I fear that that may be part of what happened with Cynthia McKinney, now.
I am hoping that an outpouring of grassroots support might show Cynthia McKinney that there is hope out there for abundance and miracles, and maybe change her mind.
Today is an interesting day to consider how important and strong a leader Cynthia McKinney is. As America commemorates the September 11th tragedy, people in the peace and justice movement will recall that Cynthia tried very hard to get answers and a proper investigation of 9-11. Cynthia spoke up by asking questions. And, FOX News and other corporate media twisted her words and toasted her. Still, it is important that Cynthia McKinney, as a Congresswoman, was brave enough to ask the tough questions, basically: Who knew what and when.
Especially if you are a green, please consider taking a few drastic measures this week to tell Cynthia McKinney how much you admire her. Explain to her how much support you could give her. I hope that Cynthia is not left with the impression–as Nader was four years ago–that her running for office is like a contract with her and the leaders of our party. This is the Green Party. If a strong black woman wants to stand up and start marching forward, there are a lot of us who will start following her — leaders or no leaders.
The best way to contact Cynthia McKinney would be to think creatively about breaking through the communication barrier. Who do you know, that knows someone who knows Cynthia McKinney? Is there an event where you could catch her ear on the hand-shake or book signing line? Also, the Green Party of the United States has a Presidential Campaign Support Committee. If you know someone from that committee, you could ask them to pass on your communication.
For a start, you could visit Cynthia’s web-site. Hopefully, she will get a stats report with hundreds or thousands of people, clicking in to read more about Cynthia’s leadership.
Please stay posted here for more information. Also, hope to post some more specific analysis of how one of our leading candidates may have become lost from us.
Please visit:
There is a great movie about Cynthia McKinney and the elections she lost and won:
Related posts:
Video of opening poem from American Blackout movie
Video from GP-US Annual National Meeting in Reading, PA
Story about Kimberly shaking Cynthia McKinney’s hand
Video Cynthia McKinney declares her independence
Filed under: 9-11, Anti-War, cynthia mckinney, events, Global Warming, Green Party Websites, international politics, nature, Our Favorite Radio Stations, Political Websites, president, presidential race, reform, Same-Sex Marriage, third party, US Politics Tagged: | nature, Uncategorized, vigil
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