Green Party of Suffolk has gotten 2 $59 for 59k donations. Will you be the 3rd?
Did you know that by earning over 59,000 votes for Governor in 2010, the Green Party recaptured its ballot line?
Celebrate this victory by donating $59 to the Green Party of Suffolk to support our March 26th celebration and kick-start the 2011 Green Party candidate campaigns.
You can donate online at or by mailing a check to the “Green Party of Suffolk” at 14 Robin Drive, Huntington, NY 11743.
We want to make sure that the 1000’s of Greens in Suffolk County join the celebration. For $900, we can contact every Suffolk Green. We only need 16 supporters to donate $59 each to make sure every Suffolk Green joins in.
Can you donate $59 to get us started?
We want to fill the room with inspired candidates and campaigners at the March 26th Green Party of Suffolk membership meeting .
The last time the Green Party had an automatic ballot line, we set the national record of running 100 candidates statewide in 1 year.
Let’s make sure the Suffolk Ballot is filled with Green Party candidates.
Roger Snyder, Green Party of Suffolk Chair said:
The Green Party, by regaining ballot status, will add to the electoral arena more peace candidates, more single-payer candidates, more immigrant rights candidates, more Main Street candidates, more anti-fracking candidates, and more sustainable energy candidates.
Please donate today!
Please “like” the Green Party of Suffolk Facebook page Donate local to support a global political movement. Only the Green Party stands for Social and Economic Justice; Grassroots Democracy; Ecological Wisdom and Non-Violence/Peace.
Remember that political donations are not tax deductible, but are greatly appreciated.
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Filed under: 3rd party, 4 Pillars, Action Alert!, activism, afghanistan, Anti-War, Ballot issues, campaign finance reform, cynthia mckinney, Ecology, economy, election, elections, energy, Environment, Global Warming, grassroots democracy, green, Green Party, Green Party Websites, health, health care, Healthcare, housing, immigration, international politics, Iraq, Labor, local, long island, Long Island Politics, nature, new york, New York State Politics, News, nonviolence, Peace, politics, progressive politics, public health, Ralph Nader, Rosa Clemente, social & economic justice, suffolk, suffolk county, sustainability, sustainable, third party, US Politics, war Tagged: | ballot access, campaigns, candidate, candidates, Donation, Ecological Wisdom, fracking, fundraising, grassroots democracy, green, long island, Roger Snyder, Single Payer Universal Health Care, social justice, suffolk
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