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Peace Activists: Don’t let the Democrats chain you in

This message is especially for members and former members of the Re-create 68 coalition who are disillusioned with the current happenings. Also, for anyone who is still enrolled in the Democratic Party, dreaming that their party will someday bring peace.

by Jonathanpberger Creative Commons
photo by Jonathanpberger Creative Commons

Remember the “Free Speech Zone” at the Democratic National Convention in 2004? Chicken wire, under an overpass, far from earshot of the delegates? Guess you have heard that the DNC (Democratic National Committee) is planning similar for you this year in Denver. Now it is called wire mesh, instead of barbed wire or chicken wire. And, some new words have been thrown around such as “Public Viewing Area.” Though, it is still you, standing far from where the action and discussion is, trapped behind wire mesh.

Why don’t you just decide to join a party who welcomes the message of peace and non-violence? Next weekend, July 10th through July 14th, will be the Green Party of the United States Presidential Convention in Chicago, Illinois. There are many workshops and events open to the public, at special, one-day prices. And, if you want to wear buttons or bring signs about peace, they are welcome all around.

Why keep fighting the Democrats? Why stand behind wire mesh, or chain link, or whatever else they try to trap you in? If you can’t be welcome in your own party, why not just leave?

1968 to 2008. Is 40 years of failure with the Democrats enough? Come join a party where the culture is activism and the platform includes non-violence.

Some background articles below:

Celebrate Chicago 1968 with the real peace party, The Green Party Presidential Convention: Chicago 1968. Includes our very cool, wilderside t-shirt honoring the Chicago 8!

Public viewing area for Democratic Convention in 2008

Latest update on attempts to demonstrate at Denver Convention in 2008

From an AP news story:

Protestors split weeks before the Democratic Convention


They adopted a bold name – Re-create 68 – promising a protesters’ show of force like in Chicago 40 years ago when the Democratic National Convention comes to Denver in August.

But the Denver-based umbrella coalition ranging from anarchists to environmentalists has fractured in recent months. Prominent activists have split with Re-create 68…

It plans a large anti-war rally on the eve of the convention and at least 10,000 people for daily demonstrations addressing political prisoners, civil rights violations, immigrant rights, the environment and racism…

Re-create 68’s preparations include an attempt to encircle and levitate the Denver U.S. Mint and shake the money out to spread the wealth – a nod to Abbie Hoffman and protesters who tried to levitate the Pentagon in 1967.

“I think that everybody has a little bit of magic inside them and if we combine our energies, who knows what could happen,” Spagnuolo said.

One Response

  1. […] who is still enrolled in the Democratic Party, dreaming that their party will someday bring peacehttp://www.onthewilderside.com/2008/07/04/peace-activists-dont-let-the-democrats-chain-you-in/June 25, 1867: Barbed Wire ?? the Beta Version – Wired NewsBy Randy Alfred 0 second ago 1867: Lucien […]

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