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Sat 9/23/06 Song Box: Martha Trachtenberg &Tom Griffith … The Well

The Song Box Eighth Season Opening! This month in Seaford

on the same program:

 Trachtenberg &Tom Griffith The Well (Martha Trachtenberg, Tom Griffith, Diane Garisto, & Andy Huenerberg)

September 23 at

8 PM

$10 donation for performer  + voluntary optional donation for Song Box expenses + Canned goods for needy

A pot-luck buffet is served during the break between performers – bring something if you’re feeling creative

Long Island’s favorite acoustic duo returns to the Song Box with a few friends!  For one of the two sets, Martha & Tom will be joined by Diane Garisto & Andy Huenerberg

 Martha Trachtenberg & Tom Griffith

Martha Trachtenberg www.momandpoprecords.com

Martha Trachtenberg is a founding member of the Buffalo Gals, the first all-female bluegrass band.  She has sung on records by Marty Stuart, Tony Trischka, Stacey Phillips, Lewis London and Bottle Hill, as well as on many commercials.  An accomplished songwriter as well, Martha has had songs recorded by the Buffalo Gals, Tony Trischka & Skyline, Kathy Chiavola, Eileen Sharkey and Colleen Grace.  Two were chosen by Robbie Wolliver of the Long Island Voice for its local-artist compilation CDs, Those Damn Folkies and JiltedHer composition Ticket Backwas chosen as the title cut for the Skyline compilation Ticket Back: A Retrospective, released by Rounder in 1998.  It’s About Time is Martha’s first solo album., features as guest artists the internationally renowned jazz bassist Eddie Gomez; chart-topping singer Michael Johnson (“Bluer Than Blue,” “Almost Like Being in Love,” “The Moon Is Still Over Her Shoulder“); and Grammy award-winner Marty Stuart.

Martha Trachtenberg has a warm heart that infuses her songs with humanity and a supple voice that makes them ring true.  I Choose You is a particular gem. It never fails to get response whenever I play it.”  John Platt, Host of City Folk Sunday Breakfast, WFUV 90.7FM, New York

Tom Griffith www.momandpoprecords.com

Tom Griffith is a producer, composer and arranger who has done award-winning work for film, advertising and records.  His film work can be heard in Beer, Night of the Creeps, Excessive Force, Caught in the Crossfire, Girlfriends, The Key, and the Martha Coolidge film Not a Pretty Picture. The Key, which he scored with Jonathan Helfand, won the 1996 National Education Fiction Video Award.  He won both Clio and NYMRAD awards for Best Musical Campaign.  Tom is working with 600 LBS, a production company based in Smithtown, LI NY. He produced and arranged It’s About Time.  His album, The Better Half, was picked by the LI Voice as one of the Top Ten albums of 1997His song, “Wrestling with the Light,” is featured on the Voice’s compilation CD, Those Damn Folkies, as well as Lawnguyland, the official album of the 1998 LI Music Awards, and his “Livin’ in a Combat Zone” was on the LI Voice’s 1999 Valentine’s Compilation CD, Jilted.



The Well (Martha Trachtenberg, Tom Griffith, Diane Garisto, & Andy Huenerberg)

The Well plays a wonderful mix of alternative acoustic music.  Come and hear some great picking and wonderful four part harmonies.  The Well performed together for the first time at the Song Box last November.

Martha Trachtenberg www.momandpoprecords.com

Martha has all the credits above plus she may play the Mandolin.

Tom Griffith www.momandpoprecords.com

Tom has all the credits above

Diane Garisto

Diane Garisto sings and plays guitar.  Diane has toured with Laura Nyro and with Steely Dan, among others.

Andy Huenerberg

Andy Huenerberg plays bass and banjo and sings. Andy is a live band/club date veteran of many years.


The Song Box

The finest regional and local performers with some national performers

Folk music, singer songwriter Performances in a cozy stage setting

“Ah, the Song Box; this has got to be the best venue on Long Island to see anyone.” Amy’s music info concertnotes@optonline.net 6-21-05  (Subscribe to Gary’s Long Island Concert Notes LIConcertNotes@optonline.net)

The only regularly scheduled Long Island house concert featured by Robbie Woliver, LI Section, New York Times, 8-5-01

“One of the most remarkable efforts…” Sonny Meadows, Folk U., Aural Fix, July 2001


Fourth Saturday Fall 2006  Since we had a summer break this becomes the Eighth Season, I think!

Look for upcoming shows with Pat Wictor, Russ Seeger, Brian Sendrowitz, and others…

Fourth Sat Oct 28         Fourth Sat Nov 26       Dec check it would be the day before Christmas Eve


This month’s show is being held in a recording studio at a private residence in Seaford, Long Island (South Shore Nassau County).  Seating is limited.  Please make advance reservations by sending an email to songbox@optonline.net. You will be sent a confirmation and directions via return email.  If you have no Email make reservations at 516-579-5365

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  1. […] The Song Box: Marth Trachtenberg, Tom Griffith & the Well […]

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