from Green Party Watch:
73 Green Party candidates are seeking election to state legislative offices around the nation.
Illinois is fielding the largest slate of state legislative candidates at 18, followed by Maine with 10, Michigan with 7, Arkansas & Connecticut with 6 a piece. Other states with state legislative candidates include Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, and West Virginia.
These candidates are on top of 69 Green Party candidates for U.S. House of Representatives, 7 candidates for U.S. Senate, and 2 candidates for Governor. There are over 200 Green Party candidates on the ballot on Nov. 4 (or Dec. 6).
Below is a list of the 73 candidates running for State legislature:
Filed under: election, elections, Green Party Websites, Political Websites, US Politics Tagged: | state legislature
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