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Prez Lists

The People’s President Page

We have not started our own list of candidates for 2012. Below are some good links, with third party and independent candidates included, for the
2012 Presidential Campaign

Politics1 –  www.politics1.com has a very up-to-date list (for 2012).

FEC website – There is another important list of filed 2012 Presidential candidates at the Federal Elections Committee web-site. Though, realize that not all candidates are required to be registered there. (There is a formula for how much money spent, etc. Some “candidates”, such as some write-ins, never end up having to file.)


Archival Info
President 2008 Campaign

Who do you want for President???????????????????

List of 2008 U.S. Presidential Candidates

The latest update of my list of presidential candidates is at the bottom of this post. Though, first, here is a 10/27 update from Ballot Access News seems like a very important and productive list. It is every candidate for President of the United States who is on the ballot in at least one state. Thanks to Ballot Access News for this work:

2008 list from Ballot Access News…
23 Presidential Candidates Are on Ballot in at Least One State

October 27th, 2008

…Here is a list, with the predominant party label for each, and the percentage of the voters that will see their names on the ballot:

Barack Obama, Democratic, 100.0%
John McCain, Republican, 100.0%
Bob Barr, Libertarian, 94.5%
Ralph Nader, independent, 85.2%
Cynthia McKinney, Green, 70.5%
Chuck Baldwin, Constitution, 59.8%
Gloria La Riva, Socialism and Liberation, 26.8%
Roger Calero or his stand-in James Harris, Socialist Workers, 25.0%
Brian Moore, Socialist, 21.5%
Alan Keyes, America’s Independent Party, 18.1%
Charles Jay, Boston Tea, 10.0%
Gene Amondson, Prohibition, 9.6%
Thomas Robert Stevens, Objectivist, 8.0%
Richard Duncan, independent, 4.6%
John Joseph Polachek, New, 4.3%
Jeffrey Boss, Vote Here, 3.0%
Jeffrey Wamboldt, We the People, 2.5%
Ron Paul, Taxpayers/Constitution, 2.0%
Jonathan E. Allen, HeartQuake ‘08, 1.7%
Bradford Lyttle, U.S. Pacifist, 1.7%
Frank McEnulty, unaffiliated, 1.7%
Ted Weill, Reform, .9%
George Phillies, Libertarian, .6%



The Boston Tea Party/Personal Choice Party:

Constitution Party:

Green Party:

Independent American Party:

Independent/Peace & Freedom Party, etc.:

Libertarian Party:

Party For Socialism and Liberation:

Prohibition Party:

Reform Party:

Socialist Party USA:

Socialist Workers Party:

  • Roger Colero (NY)
  • Note: In Colorado, someone named James Harris filed to be the SW Party prez candidate

Unity ’08 Party: Update – Jan 11, 2008 -The Unity 08 group have scaled back their ballot access drive and will not run or endorse a candidate. More details and information at their web-site: www.unity08.com


Democratic Party
Barack Obama (IL) US Senator www.barackobama.com is the Democratic nominee

Some other Democrats who are/were in the race:

  • Roland Aranjo (CA) Author
  • Warren R. Ashe (VA)
  • Robert E. “Bob” Boyer (Illinois)
  • Willie F. Carter (Texas)
  • Randy Crow (NC) www.randycrow.com
  • Laura Davis-Aaron (TN)
  • Keith Russell Judd (PA)
  • Karl Krueger (South Dakota) http://krueger08.com/
  • Dal Lamagna (WA & DC) “Tweezerman” http://www.lamagnaforpresident.com/
  • Sal Mohamed (Iowa)
  • Oloveuse O. “Ole” Savior (MN) Poet and artist
  • Michael “Mike” Skok (NY) Repairman

Republican Party:
John McCain (AZ) US Senator www.johnmccain.com is the Republican Nominee

Some other Republicans who are/were in the race:

  • Virgina Algar (FL) Substitute Teacher and Veteran www.algarforpresident.com
  • Dr. Hugh Court (Rep.) www.cortforpresident.com
  • John Cox (IL) www.cox2008.com
  • Susan Ducey (KS)
  • Albert B. Howard (MI)
  • Mildred “Millie” Howard (OH)
  • Elvena E. Lloyd-Duffie (TX) [Filed as a Republican in Colorado, but label will have to change]
  • Yehanna Joan M.M. Malone (D.C.)


    * Steve Adams (KY) http://www.presidentadams.com
    * Donald K. Allen (OH) www.donaldkallenforpresident.com
    * Jonathon Allen (Heartquake 08) Filed in Colorado
    * Blake Ashby (Missouri) www.ashby2008.com
    * Terry “Tee” Barkdull
    * Jeffrey Boss (NJ) filed petitions in NJ 7/08 as per Ballot Access News
    * Clark B. Braxton (CA)
    * Richard H. Clark ( New American Ind. Party – MD) www.middleclass2008.com
    * Don Cordell (CA)
    * Claire Cruise (GA)
    * Orion Karl Daley (Balanced Party-New York) http://unity2008.org
    * Michael David Elder (TX)
    * Cris Ericson (Marijuana-Vermont) www.crisericson.com
    * Vinnie Ferrari(Independent-D.C.)
    * Quay Fortuna (Iowa) Ward Republic Party
    * Charles Jay (The Boston Tea Party) Filed in Colorado
    * Mark B. Graham (Independent-Florida) www.markbgraham2008.com
    * Pete Grasso (VA) http://grassoforpresident.com
    * John Greenspon ( New American Ind. Party – CA) www.greenspon2008.com
    * Jack Grimes (United Facist Union – PA)
    * Vincent S. Hamm (CO)
    * Alex Hammer (Independent-Maine) www.hammer2006.politicalgateway.com
    * Bob W. Hargis (Independent-Oklahoma) www.hargis.info
    * William “Bill” Ingram (Independent-NC)
    * Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. a draft web-site
    * Steve Kissing (Independent-Ohio) www.kissing4prez.org/
    * Dr. Mark Klein (CA) klein4change.in2006.us
    * David Koch (UT) www.dave2008.com
    * William R. Koenig Filed in Colorado
    * Thomas J. Kozee, Jr. (OH)
    * Michael Stephen Levinson (NY)
    * Ronald Lowhorn ( New American Ind. Party-IN)
    * Brad Lord-Leutwyler (Nevada) www.voteforbrad.com
    * Bradford Lyttle (Pacifist) Filed in Colorado
    * James McCall (Independent-OH)
    * Joe Martyniuk (Illinois)
    * David Masters (NC)
    * Charles Maxham (Give Me Back America Party-NJ)
    * Frank McEnulty http://www.frankforpresident.org/
    * Robert Milnes (NJ) http://www.robertmilnes4president2008.com
    * Sal Mohamed (Iowa)
    * Michael Moriarty Actor, writer, musician, political activist
    * Phillip W. Morrow (TX)
    * Bill Moyers (NY) Journalist, PBS producer (has been suggested as a Democrat or Green candidate) http://irregulartimes.com/draftmoyers.html
    * Sam Nunn (D-GA) Former US Senator
    * Jeff “Petro” Petkevicius (Louisiana)
    * Arthur J. Regan (MA) www.allpatriots.com
    * Thomas Robert Stevens (Objectivist Party) Filed in Colorado
    * Gary Rostad (CA)
    * “Average Joe” Schriner (Ohio-registered Green) www.voteforjoe.com
    * Jonathon Sharkey (Vampire, Witches & Pagan Party-NJ)
    * Charles Symonds (CA)
    * Ben Thompson (Independent-Minnesota) thompson2004.tripod.com
    * Michael “Mic” Tienken (MN)
    * Lisa Weltman (MI)
    * Carol Whitaker (TN)
    * Ruth Bryant White (Nevada)
    * Rick Williams (Independent-Tennessee)
    * Kelcey Wilson (CA)
    * Frank Zilaitis (FL) www.frankforthefolks.org

43 Responses

  1. […] of list of presidential candidates, including Greens, see the People’s Presidential Page. […]

  2. Thanks for the mention on your site and your support of independent candidates.


  3. Alex Hammer informational website (Gubernatorial) http://www.hammer2006.politicalgateway.com

  4. There are a lot of libertarians listed but not their websites. The best strategy is for the libertarians to nominate a libertarian/green ticket & greens endorse it.

  5. From Kimberly Wilder, editor of Prez page:

    Dear Robert,

    Thanks for dropping by the web-site.

    This site is done on a volunteer basis, between me doing my full time job. I listed web-sites rather sporadically, somewhat based on my interest, then what was handy, thinking I would get back to fill in sooner.

    The place I got my research made it difficult for me to harvest web-sites. But, I mean to get to it when I have a chance.

    You or anyone else may send me a list of links for a set of candidates and I will put them up as soon as possible.

    Kimberly Wilder

  6. My name is Frank McEnulty and I am running as an independent candidate for President of the United States in 2008. Crazy right? Well maybe, but I am just way too fed up with how the two major parties are running (or should I say ruining) politics in this country and I feel the need to try and do something about it.

    Please visit my website at http://www.frankforpresident.org

    I’ve noticed over the past several years that most of the political ads are pushing a party, rather than ideas or an individual. “Vote for me, I’m a Republican” or “Vote for me, I’m a Democrat” is all one seems to hear any more. What do these people stand for? Nothing until the party tells them to or else they get cut off from the fountain of money.

    Do these candidates have independent thoughts? Maybe, but they never voice them in public because it might not be in line with party doctrine.

    Do they ever vote for a bill, law or policy because it is the right thing to do for the country? Only if the party tells them it is okay to do so.

    Usually, if a Republican introduces a piece of legislation it must be wrong per the Democrats because the Democrats didn’t come up with it.

    Usually, if a Democrat introduces a piece of legislation it must be wrong per the Republicans because the Republicans didn’t come up with it.

    What’s wrong with just working together to do what is right for the country regardless of what party you are affiliated with?

    If you’re as disillusioned with how the political process seems to be working as I am let’s get together and make them see how upset we are. None of us can do it by ourselves, but if enough of us band together we can and will make them sit up and take notice.

    Please visit my website and pass this email along to all your family members and friends, co-workers and everyone else you know.

    Together we will make a difference because:



    Frank McEnulty
    Presidential Candidate

  7. WOW! Thanks for adding my name here. I didn’t know I was in here untill I did a search on myself to see how much I was on the internet. Well, where to start, I live in Henderson, Nevada. I’m part of the American Party. There is another American Party out there, but it has a few diffenent ideas. My party is registered with the FEC, so I guess you could say, my is the only offical party running in 2008. I would like to make President, but I don’t have a big chance. Only the Reb and Dem get FREE advertising. Other parties are never heard of, Yeah know what I mean? Really bothers me about that. Anyway. Thanks again for what your doing here. I wish m ore Americans got involved with 2008. I feel this year is more important then any past elections of the last 20 years. America is being torn apart, little by little. It’s time for a giant change.
    Thanks again

  8. Hmmm…I object. The Democrats and the Republiicans, are in fact the largest parties, but couldn’t a more accurate adjective be selected than ‘MAJOR’?

  9. Dear On the Wilder side, thank you for listing me as a candidate independent.
    I resubmitted my candidate paper work in Washington at the FEC and I am now listed as a Democrat. Would you please place in the Democrat section.

    Thank you and you are doing a great job.
    James Prattas


  11. Thanks for the link. My homepage IS now http://www.CitizenDan2008.com [it’s up and running].

    Again, thanks – you provide a good service to those of us with ‘little exposure by the insiders,’ keep it up.

    ~ dmf

  12. New American Independent Party

    Jon Greenspon (CA)

    Richard Clark (MD) http://www.middleclass2008.com

    Ronald Lowhorn (IN)
    No web address yet

  13. Please update with link to website ashby2008.com

  14. Impressive list of candidates! I too maintain a list, although a very different format…


    I’ll have to study your list in detail….looks like you might even have a more complete list than I do!


  15. Bless our troop send them home.

  16. Please post my website: sheilaforpresident.com

  17. I am looking for a real candidate that will take the technology being set on by the real rulers of the USA, the OIL CORPORATIONS, and FREE the Slaves To OIL ,the US citizens!!!!!
    Stupdity is a 2006 new automobile that gets the same mpg as aModel T Ford 1oo years ago, the Congress and Senate can send our finest to death in corporate WARS, but can’t free the SLAVES, and you have the nerve to ask for our votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Kimberly and Ian Wilder –

    Thanks for getting the word out about independent presidential candidates. Your link to my campaign headquarters site is incorrect, however. For more information about my campaign, which is focused on sustainability and local political empowerment, please see Quay Fortuna for President in ’08.

    Thanks again,

    Quay Fortuna

  19. I have been trying to get ahold of Ronald Lowhorn because I have a website/web address that is for sale. It is http://www.americanindependent2008.com. When I googled him, the only way that I saw how to contact him was through myspace.com.

  20. In the hope that you will take the UNITED FASCIST UNION seriously and vote for JACKSON GRIMES in November 2008, I leave this here and invite you to his official campaign site….


    Speech for the Mayor
    Council Meeting of
    October 3rd 2007

    An interesting article in the Cecil Whig, September 14th edition,
    entitled, Gilchrest on Board with Aid for Local Mass Transit Fix.
    pointed out that Cecil County is the missing link in passenger rail
    service between New York City and Washington, D.C. In the same piece,
    Senator Pipkin, of the #36 District, stated that we need to renovate
    the old train station.

    Everyone who is fortunate enough to live in Cecil County will know how
    hard the honorable Mayor Fisona has worked to make sure we will once
    again have passenger train service here in the town of Elkton. Anyone
    who has followed local politics for any length of time at all
    understands county civic leaders have wanted to restart commuter trains
    to Elkton for several years now and the main stumbling block is always
    a lack of capital. Another hindrance is also the ramshackle condition
    of the train station on Bow Street, which would have to be completely
    remodeled. Also, another imperative is to secure Federal funds to
    start the undertaking.

    As I understand it, the Elkton train station closed it’s doors sometime
    in 1962 and has been allowed to fall into ruin ever since then. This
    shouldn’t have happened in the first place, but, what has been done
    cannot easily be undone. Note the phrase, easily undone. This can be
    corrected if enough time and money were to be invested in a renovation
    project. In the article, mentioned before, Gilchrest promised he would
    do his best to secure the needed federal funds. It’s up to voters to
    see to it that he keeps his word by writing him often to remind him of
    what he said he would do in regards to helping to bring the train back
    to Elkton. In those letters it should most likely be stressed how much
    a man in his position could do to help bring this about because of his
    rank and social standing. It would also be wise if the authors were to
    stress in the body of the composition how bringing the train back to
    Elkton would be for civic good and could raise the quality of life in
    Cecil County.

    It also seems most reasonable, to me, that if we expect to get federal
    funding to bring passenger rail service back to Elkton again we need to
    explain in as logical and rational format as is possible, within a
    reasonable time frame without becoming boring or bothersome, how doing
    so would garner vast revenue to fill the public coffers. At this
    point, someone should point out how poverty-stricken Cecil County is
    and how we must have passenger rail service back again to draw people
    here to expand our tax base. In the same edition, the Whig ran another
    article claiming the county just recently topped the 100,000 residents
    mark. An argument favoring returning train service could be made thus:
    Cecil County remains poverty-stricken and isolated despite the fact
    that we now have more than 100,000 people living here. The agent
    making said proposal could add: with all of these people we should have
    train service restored to the city of Elkton so that they may be
    gainfully employed.

    A wise point designed to garner support for the proposal might be Cecil
    County has often been called Maryland’s forgotten county or the
    forgotten corner of Maryland; sadly, tis surely so, but, this is most
    assuredly a result of our lack of proper public transportation in the
    region. Give us the funds we need now to start a functional regional
    commuter rail service that will move people from place to place and it
    will pay for itself rapidly by expanding our tax base. Every economist
    knows there are periods of growth and periods of stagnation and, one
    usually follows the other as night follows day. Cecil County has
    languished in a state of decay since commuter trains stopped servicing
    the area, so it seems the solution would be to restore the railroad to
    this area pronto to reverse the situation. It is the task of those of
    you who have power to convince those who have money to give us the
    funds we need to bring the railroad back to Cecil County once more.

    Mr. Jack Grimes
    7PM night of October 3rd 2007
    City of Elkton, Province of Maryland
    Nation-State of America.

    P.O.B. 2209
    Elkton, MD 21922-2209
    Union States 0f N. America


  21. Jack Grimes’ Statement of Candidacy

    It is my intention to run for President in the election to be held in November 2008, because I believe we need more political movements in this country which should be every spectrum of the rainbow. I see not only a need for new grass roots movements in this country, but also, for the average man to step into the political arena and take an active role in government.

    A Fascist candidate for President will shake up the driftwood and cause a few minds to get busy. We must break the two-party monopoly in conventional politics in this country if we are to preserve the American people’s Freedom of Choice. We must create new political movements that the masses can polarize around if we are to keep the general public interested in politics, of those, surely one can be Fascist.

    We must end the reign of terror of the capitalist elite, which has driven the middle-class to the brink of extinction and holds the poor down to a loathsome level where they are no better than medieval serfs. Corporate Statism, an economic system under which government and corporate interests cooperate with each other for the betterment and general welfare of the nation, whereby government makes a profit for the people instead of exploiting them is the perfect antidote to capitalism.

    To correct the flaws in modern society the United Fascist Union recommends: Halting the monopolies on utilities; imposing a strict censorship on the press; halting urban sprawl; and enacting rules of public conduct which police would rigidly enforce.


    Jack Grimes
    Director & CEO of
    the United Fascist Union

  22. What do you think of the following statement from a 2008 Presidential Candidate?

    “The federal government has proven itself untrustworthy with environmental policy by facilitating polluters, subsidizing logging in the National Forests, and instituting one-size-fits-all approaches that too often discriminate against those they are intended to help.

    The key to sound environmental policy is respect for private property rights. The strict enforcement of property rights corrects environmental wrongs while increasing the cost of polluting.

    In a free market, no one is allowed to pollute his neighbor’s land, air, or water. If your property is being damaged, you have every right to sue the polluter, and government should protect that right. After paying damages, the polluter’s production and sale costs rise, making it unprofitable to continue doing business the same way. Currently, preemptive regulations and pay-to-pollute schemes favor those wealthy enough to perform the regulatory tap dance, while those who own the polluted land rarely receive a quick or just resolution to their problems.

    In Congress, I have followed a constitutional approach to environmental action:

    I consistently vote against using tax dollars to subsidize logging in National Forests.
    I am a co-sponsor of legislation designed to encourage the development of alternative and sustainable energy. H.R. 550 extends the investment tax credit to solar energy property and qualified fuel cell property, and H.R. 1772 provides tax credits for the installation of wind energy property.
    Taxpayers for Common Sense named me a “Treasury Guardian” for my work against environmentally-harmful government spending and corporate welfare.
    I am a member of the Congressional Green Scissors Coalition, a bipartisan caucus devoted to ending taxpayer subsidies of projects that harm the environment for the benefit of special interests.

    Individuals, businesses, localities, and states must be free to negotiate environmental standards. Those who depend on the land for their health and livelihood have the greatest incentive to be responsible stewards.”

    Ron Paul’s Web Site

  23. Go to Brad Lord-Luetwyler’s website – he has his issues laid out, and is very motivated to talk with you via email, MySpace, etc. He’s got a great attitude and a lot of energy.

    THANK YOU so much for the support of all the 3rd-Party candidates… may they yet save our country!

  24. I’m voting for John Taylor Bowles:

  25. […] tip to Kimberly Wilder for sending me this interview with her and former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. McKinney is […]

  26. I am convinced there should be a Christian party dedicated to the precepts expounded in the Holy Bible.Only by following God’s laws and Christ’s grace can peace, justice and love be obtained.

  27. Is there a reason that some websites are listed and not made into links? I’d hate to think, for example, that this ‘people’s listing’ was intentionally slamming Hillary by making her web address non-linkable. That would be really petty and against the point of the list but considering some of the nonsense I’ve seen this election cycle as an African-American woman, totally unsurprising.

  28. KW writes:

    Dear Martha,

    If I wasn’t so tired from all the work I do for peace and progressive politics, I would laugh at your post instead of wince.

    The links are very uneven, because I am a citizen who only has so much time and energy to keep up with this site that is a service to the community.

    Also, since what was there before was the address listed, that anyone could copy and paste, and considering that I don’t think with all Clinton’s friends and money, anyone could possibly have trouble finding her site just because I didn’t link well enough, your argument seems like a pretty mean-spirited jibe at a volunteer, citizen activist.

    Oh, well.

    I fixed the darned link. Either you or Hillary should probably pay me or thank me.

    (But, please don’t. I like to stay independent. At least from corporate politics.)

    Peace and struggle,
    Kimberly Wilder

  29. I don’t think Martha was being ‘petty.’ You’re the one promoting this as a presidential resource. And if something’s linakable people can access it that much quicker. So, in effect, you created a barrier for people to get to Hillary. And I haven’t noticed you staying independent. I’ve noticed you defending this Barack Obama controversy or that one. That and the actions of others is why this Green is voting for Ralph Nader and not Cynthia McKinney. Even in your comment, Ms. Wilder, you are smarmy. I believe Barack Obama got more money from Wall Street. I know that because I read John Pilger’s recent article. Not because anyone who was independent or in independent media bothered to tell me about it. I think Greens need to take a good, hard look at the way they behaved themselves because we didn’t work to promote our candidate, we worked to smear and tar Hillary while building up the corporatist Barack Obama.
    I think that’s disgusting and that’s why I will be voting for Ralph Nader and not Cynthia McKinney.
    I think the Green Party tosses out mumbo jumbo about sexism but they really don’t call it out. If I’m wrong on that, please steer me to an article you wrote calling out the sexism that Hillary encountered every week of the campaign season.

  30. Dear Deidra,

    I am truly flattered by the effort that you and Martha have spent to express yourselves and your opinion on our blog. Thank you for your energy and thoughts.

    I would reiterate that it is not my job to defend or promote Hillary. So, you can’t say I am sexist for not having done so.

    I think that in your blind affection for Hillary, you have not carefully read my Obama posts. Because, many of them were double-edged swords. I like Reverend Jeremiah Wright much more than Obama. And, if anything, I was trying to shame Obama into defending Reverend Wright, and challenging Obama to confront racism in America more boldly.

    I hope I am not smarmy. Though, I suppose, just being in this thing called politics, makes someone have to pitch things in ways that become pointed and disingenuous. I would like to think that they can’t call you smarmy until you receive money or have a paid, political job. I hope that I am not smarmy in my volunteering for causes that I believe will bring peace and justice.

    I believe that I am allowed to dislike someone, even though that person is a woman. In my political life, the most important thing to me is my right to express myself and be heard. I have often pushed “write-in” candidates, equally with Green Party candidates, because I just want people to speak their mind to power. So, since I am a New Yorker, and my friends and I told our Senator, Hillary Clinton that we wanted her to vote against the war, and instead, she had some demonstrators in front of her office arrested, and told people that while she received tens of thousands of calls and e-mails against the war, she voted for it anyway, that was a kind of last straw to me. As a poet and activist, I can’t stand to have my voice mocked and dismissed in that way. As a constituent of Senator Clinton, and as a citizen, I think I have a right to dislike her after that episode.

    I think I hold my tongue pretty well considering my intense dislike for her. I could have made a lot of blog entries about all the things I dislike about her, and all the policies she has that I find repugnant.

    Another thing about politics is, sometimes, it is a favor to “abstain”, when on the other hand, your vote would be a resounding “no”.

    Kimberly Wilder

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