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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

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Eloquent shoe-thrower, Al-Zeidi, to be released early!

As journalist and Iraqi citizen Muntadhar al-Zeidi threw his shoe towards President Bush, standing at a podium in Iraq, Muntadhar said, “This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq.” (excerpt from) The LA Times Iraqi shoe thrower to be released early The lawyer for Muntadhar al-Zeidi, who became a […]

Some Huffington Post humor: Alternative Punishments for Al-Zeidi

A Huffington Post writer has come up with some alternative punishments for Muntadhar Al-Zeidi, the Iraqi journalist who shouted words against war as he threw his shoes at then President Bush. Evidently, writer Warren Holstein and I agree that there were worse things Al-Zeidi could have done. I can’t even post the whole story. Some […]

Verdict against Al-Zeidi: “a verdict against the Iraqi people who refuse American occupation”

(excerpt from) The Hindu News Update Service/AP Iraqi cleric calls for shoe thrower’s release A Shiite cleric has called for the release of the Iraqi journalist sentenced to three years in prison for throwing shoes at George W Bush. Sheik Suhail al-Iqabi says the sentence against the journalist, Muntadhar al-Zeidi, is “a verdict against the […]

“Crowds erupted” to sentencing of Al-Zeidi

KW: This morning, Iraqi journalist and eloquent shoe-thrower Muntadhar Al-Zeidi was sentenced to 3 years in prison. A stray headline on the Yahoo News page says, “Crowds erupt in anger over the fate of the reporter who threw his shoes at President Bush last year.” Though, when you click that is not the headline. And, […]

A rally (almost) held for Al-Zeidi the eloquent shoe-thrower

Photo of rally from AP is: here Please note that Muntadhar Al-Zeidi, the Iraqi journalist and war correspondent who protested then US President Bush’s surprise visit to Iraq, will be in court again on Thursday, March 12th. (excerpt from) suomenkuvalehti.fi Iraq Protest

Lots of news about Al-Zeidi: appeared in court, strategy set, adjourned date set

“What made me do it was the humiliation Iraq has been subjected to due to the U.S. occupation and the murder of innocent people,” al-Zeidi said. “I wanted to restore the pride of the Iraqis in any way possible, apart from using weapons.” Summary from the AP story: 1.Al-Zeidi appeared in court, with no signs […]

Trial for journalist/shoe tosser Muntadhar Al-Zeidi is tomorrow – Thursday

Iraqi journalist Muntadhar Al-Zeidi will face trial tomorrow, Thursday, February 19, 2009. Update is: here

Poem for Muntadhar Al-Zeidi, the eloquent shoe-tosser

I found this poem in a chapbook, on a table at the Poetry Project New Year’s Marathon Reading. I was startled with the resonance an old poem had with a new situation. And, I purchased the book. I thought it was a beautiful tribute and reflection on that moment when Iraqi journalist Muntadhar Al-Zeidi met […]

President Obama and Muntadhar Al-Zeidi

from World War Four Report Obama urged to halt military detention of journalists Submitted by WW4 Report on Thu, 02/12/2009 – 19:55. The Committee to Protect Journalists called on the Barack Obama administration Feb. 10 to end the indefinite detention of journalists by the US military overseas. The organization cited 14 cases in which US […]

Good news: Al-Zeidi to have a trial on Feb 19th

KW: Well, it is good news, if for the trial, the Iraqi government finally allows the public a glimpse at Muntadha al-Zeidi so that the world knows he is well. Since the AP story on the subject inserts some “hot” words into their story, such as applying the word “outburst” to al-Zeidi’s action, I think […]

Al-Zeidi the eloquent shoe thrower: A statue

For excellent photo of the shoe statue, go: here. To recap: President Bush made a surprise appearance to reporters in Baghdad last month. One journalist, a man who had covered the hardships of war extensively, reacted by shouting words about justice in Arabic at President Bush, and throwing his shoes at him. While I do […]

Al-Zeidi, the eloquent shoe thrower, was tortured. Seeks asylum in Switzerland

Muntadhar Al-Zaidi was a reporter who covered the horror of the Iraq War from a people-first perspective. When he was invited to a press conference of the Iraqi Prime Minister, President Bush made a surprise appearance. Al-Zaidi took the sudden opportunity to make a statement by throwing his shoes at Mr. Bush and saying that […]

Update: Al-Zeidi the Eloquent Shoe Thrower

An AP story reports news that is a little heartening. I still have concerns with the lack of visibility of our beloved and heroic political prisoner, Muntadhar Al-Zeidi. Al-Zeidi is the journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush (and missed), while exclaiming, “This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed […]

Make a toast, say a prayer, swirl a New Year’s soundmaker for Al-Zaidi

For everyone who cares about human rights, for everyone who cares about a world with peace and justice, please keep Muntadhar Al-Zaidi in your thoughts tonight.