Hear Jim Brown on WBAI 99.5 FM on Wednesday, March 15th at 6:40 AM
from Jim Brown for Congress:
As many of you already know, I have decided to run for the Third Congressional Seat from New York this year. The incumbent is Peter King, who has a terrible record on the issues that most concern Greens and the nation as a whole. Voters in the 3rd CD should have the opportunity of voting for peace, social justice, democracy and the environment, and I will offer them that opportunity. Votes for me and our gubernatorial candidate (who will be nominated in May) will send a strong message to Washington that the Bush agenda should be abandoned, and quickly.
My committee has been formed–Jim Brown for Congress 2006–and I am now asking for support. If you can help (some of you have volunteered already!), give me a call or email. This should be an exciting campaign. We can hopefully get out the Green message, and work toward getting back our official ballot line. Thanks, and think Green!
Jim Brown
Jim Brown is running for Congress on the Green Party line in the 3rd Congressional District covering parts of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
My Issues
1) End the war and occupation of Iraq, immediately. Votes for the Green Party candidate for the 3rd CD should be tabulated as votes by Long Islanders to end the war and create a sane, non-violent foreign policy.
2) Preserve civil liberties by repealing the Patriot Act.
3) Preserve our environment by seriously confronting issues such as global warming and the need to create alternatives to oil.
4) Halt all discussion of any need to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Save this wilderness in its pristine state for future generations.
5) Reverse the current trend to privatize so many areas of American life, from social security to corporate control of government agencies.
6) Restore progressive taxation and end corporate welfare.
7) Create laws that will foster the growth of labor unions, thereby restoring a healthy balance between labor and capital.
Biographical information
I am 58 years old (59 in May) and have lived in Long Beach since 1993 with my wife Gail. I have a grown son, Ethan, who lives and works in the Albany, NY area. Born in Charlottesville, Virginia, I grew up in Bayside, Queens and have been a Long Islander since the mid-1970’s. I earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Boston University, a Doctorate in Sociology from Boston College, and a M.S. in Library Science from Long Island University. I currently work as a Reference Librarian in a public library.
Labor, peace and environmental issues have been my chief concerns for many years. I was shop steward at a Manhattan hospital for Local 1199 Health Care Workers. I was elected to represent the Guild workers of the hospital in city-wide contract negotiations with the Hospital League. I also served as shop steward for a Teamsters Local at a North Shore public library. I have been active in campaigns for peace beginning with my opposition to the Vietnam War and continuing to my present opposition to the War in Iraq. I am active in several environmental organizations, serving on the board of the South Shore Audubon Society and helping construct hiking trails as a member of the West of Hudson Trail Crew of the NY-NJ Trail Conference. I am the Chair of the Central Nassau Greens and a member of the State Committee of the New York Green Party, representing the 20th AD. I ran as Green candidate for the Long Beach City Council in 2001.
Outreach Co-ordinator: Kimberly Wilder (631) 422-4702Candidate Jim Brown: (516) 432-8156 jrb398@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Maria Kuriloff rmkuriloff@optonline.net
To donate, make checks payable to:
Jim Brown for Congress 2006, c/o Maria Kuriloff, Treasurer, 130 Norwood Ave, Malverne, NY 11565
Political contributions are not tax deductible
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