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Celebrating 40 Years, Festival Will be Staged at Westchester’s Croton Point Park, on the Banks of the Hudson River, Saturday and Sunday, June 17-18, 2006

peteseeger2.jpgPOUGHKEEPSIE, NY, February 13, 2006 – The Clearwater music and environmental festival – The Great Hudson River Revival, is once again looking for 900 dedicated individuals to volunteer their time, energy and talent to help stage “The Festival that Saved a River,” which has been at the forefront of the nation’s environmental movement in the struggle for clean waterways.  The Festival returns to Croton Point Park, on the shores of the Hudson River, in Westchester County, Father’s Day weekend, June 17-18.

clearwater.jpgThis year, Clearwater celebrates 40 years of environmental action, education and music.  Inspired by a desire of singer/activist Pete Seeger to clean up the Hudson River, the Festival today attracts thousands of visitors for a weekend offering the best in music, dance, family fun and
children’s activities, crafts, storytelling, and
environmental education.



Lending a Hand


Volunteers are an integral part of the Festival
experience.  There are numerous ways for people of all ages to lend a hand, both before and during the event. Volunteer responsibilities include transporting performers; preparing and serving food for performers and other volunteers; setting up the sound stages, booths and displays; supervising children’s activities; working in the hospitality field tent, information booth or reception area; staffing the Festival’s gift shop; selling festival tickets; and providing pre-Festival office support at the Poughkeepsie office.

On average, most volunteers contribute approximately ten to twelve hours of their time during the festival weekend. All volunteers receive a weekend Festival pass, valued at
$45 – $60, free meals all weekend long, and on-site camping.  Volunteers also get an official Revival Volunteer T-shirt, access to the volunteer lounge, as well as an invitation to two Volunteer Dance Parties. Membership in Clearwater is required to be eligible.  A donation of $25 is also requested to help share administrative costs and other expenses. The fee is waived for volunteers who work 25 hours or more.  Total fees for
volunteers are as little as $40, but no more than $60, depending on membership donations.

Candidates will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, and applications must be received by May 12.

For more information about volunteering at this year’s Clearwater Festival, contact Jen Rubbo, Volunteer Coordinator, at 845-454-7673, ext. 123.  You can also email her at volcoord@clearwater.org, or log on to
http://www.clearwater.org/  and click on the Clearwater Festival banner to apply on-line.

A Special Community of People

Each year, hundreds of volunteers come from all over the tri-state area to be a part of the dynamic Clearwater community.  They get together to meet new friends and
reunite with old ones, as well as share and celebrate Clearwater’s role in environmental education and its efforts to help clean up the Hudson River.

One of the Festival’s many dedicated volunteers is Roberta Goldberg, a native from Croton-on-Hudson who now lives in Connecticut.  She has volunteered each year for over two decades.  “After so many years, it’s become part of my
identity.  I truly believe in the importance of protecting our environment and want to help, even if it’s only in a small way
,” said Goldberg.

Arlene Novich, a teacher at Mamaroneck High School, has been volunteering since 1990.  She always signs up because she wants to do her part for the Hudson River.  “I grew up
in Inwood, right on the Hudson,
” she said.  “The river has always been dear to my heart.”

We all work for a common cause and we work very hard,” said Rick Brodsky, a 40-year-old psychologist and volunteer from Danbury.  “You’re on the river among hundreds of people, including the legendary Pete Seeger, and you realize this is an extraordinary experience that can never be duplicated.”

Ron Aja, Director, Special Events for The Clearwater Festival, noted, “An extraordinary number of people are involved with the Festival each year.  Without their help the event would not be as successful, as vibrant, or as
.” He added, “For volunteers, the festival experience is enhanced because they are a part of creating it.  They bring a richness and sense of commitment to the cause that make it a truly rewarding and fulfilling  event.”

For more information about The Clearwater Festival or to join its mailing list for updates on Festival events, performers and ticket discount opportunities, call 1-800-67-SLOOP or log onto http://www.clearwater.org/.

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