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Greens to Peace Voters: Support the Green ‘Peace Slate’ for Congress, not warhawk Democrats in the November election

• Criticism directed against MoveOn.org and other ‘peace’ groups supporting Democrats who cosigned the Bush agenda on Iraq, Middle East, Iran

• List of Green candidates facing prowar Dems in congressional races

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the wake of Sen. Joe Lieberman’s primary defeat in  Connecticut, Green Party leaders called on voters to defeat all warhawks, Democrats as well as Republicans, who are running for Congress in the November election.

“The Green Party’s ‘Peace Slate’ is challenging prowar Democrats and Republicans alike in
numerous U.S. House and Senate races,” said Byron De Lear, congressional candidate in California’s 28th district (Studio City).  “Both parties are responsible for the U.S.’s disastrous policies in Iraq and in the Middle East.  We especially seek the defeat of Democrats who, like Sen. Lieberman, have supported the Bush agenda.  My opponent,
Rep. Howard Berman (D) is the Joe Lieberman of the House.  Continuing to support the Iraqi War is completely at odds with upwards of 80% of our constituents who oppose the war.”

Greens described the following candidates as warhawks:

• Democrats and Republicans who supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq; who voted to transfer war power from Congress to the White House in October, 2002, in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

• Democrats and Republicans who favor maintaining the U.S. occupation of Iraq; who have opposed resolutions for an exit strategy.

• Democrats and Republicans who have supported Israel’s attacks directed against Lebanese and Palestinian civilians and military incursion into Lebanon and the Bush Administration’s refusal to seek a ceasefire (Boehner resolution in the House; Frist resolution in the Senate).

• Democrats and Republicans who have supported the Bush Administration’s threats of a military assault against Iran, or have refused to rule out the possibility of such attacks.

“Democrats who embrace Bush policy on the Middle East and Iran are making the same deadly mistake they made when they endorsed President Bush’s invasion of Iraq,” said Kathleen Culver, Green candidate for Congress in Tennessee’s 7th District.  “When antiwar groups like MoveOn.org refuse to recognize that many of the ‘peace’ Democrats they support have endorsed the Bush Administration’s belligerent policy on the Middle
East conflict or Iran, they make themselves complicit in disasters that may eventually
outweigh Iraq.”

Green Party leaders noted that Senate Democrats Maria Cantwell (Wash.), Diane Feinstein (Calif.), Edward Kennedy (Mass.), John Kerry (Mass.), Barack Obama (Ill.), leader Harry Reid (Nevada), and dozens of others voted yea on Sen. Bill
Frist’s resolution supporting Israel’s military offensive, which killed over a thousand Lebanese civilians and destroyed vital infrastructure.

List of Green candidates facing Democratic and Republican warhawks in congressional elections (the list is not comprehensive; for more candidates, visit http://www.greens.org/elections:

U.S. Senate races

• Todd Chretien (Green)
http://www.Todd4Senate.org vs. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D, incumbent), Dick Mountjoy (R), California

• Aaron Dixon (Green) http://www.aarondixon.org vs. Maria Cantwell (D, incumbent), Mike McGavick (R), Washington

• Ralph Ferrucci (Green) http://www.ferrucciforsenate.org> vs. Ned Lamont (D), Alan Schlesinger (R), Connecticut (See Mr. Lamont’s statement on the Middle East crisis

• Howie Hawkins (Green) http://www.hawkinsforsenate.org vs. Hillary
Rodham Clinton (D frontrunner, incumbent), John Spencer (R), New York

• Chris Lugo (Green) http://www.chris4senate.com vs. Harold Ford Jr.
(D), Bob Corker (R), Tennessee

• Carl Romanelli (Green) http://www.romanelli2006.com vs. Bob Casey (D),
Rick Santorum (R, incumbent), Pennsylvania

• David Sole (Green) vs. Debbie Stabenow (D incumbent), Mike Bouchard (R), Michigan

• Rae Vogeler (Green) http://www.voterae.org vs. Herb Kohl (D, incumbent), Robert Lorge (R), Wisconsin

• Kevin Zeese (Green) http://www.kevinzeese.com vs. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin (D), Michael Steele (R), Maryland

U.S. House races

• Jim Brown www.jimbrownforcongress.com (Green) vs. Peter King (R), New York (3rd district)

• Kathleen Culver (Green) http://www.kate4congress.com  vs. Marsha
Blackburn (R, incumbent), Tennessee (7th District)

• Byron De Lear (Green) http://www.delearforcongress.org vs. Howard
Berman (D, incumbent), Stanley Kesselman (R), California (28th District)

• Wade Hannon (Green) vs. Collin Peterson (D), Minnesota (7th District)

• Jeff Kravitz (Green) http://www.kravitzforcongress.org  vs. Doris
Matsui (D, incumbent), X. Claire Yan (R), California (5th District)

• Krissy Keefer (Green) http://www.krissyforcongress.com vs. Nancy
Pelosi (D, incumbent), Mike DeNunzio (R), California (8th District)

• Bob Levis (Green) http://www.boblevis.org  vs. Jim Sensenbrenner (R, incumbent), Wisconsin (5th District)

• Bill Paparian (Green) http://www.paparian4congress.com  vs. Adam
Schiff (D, incumbent), California (29th District)

• Aimee Smith (Green) vs. John Dingel (D, incumbent), Michigan (15th District)

• Steve Warner (Green) http://www.stevenwarner2006.com  vs. Steny Hoyer
(D), Maryland (5th District)


Green Party of the United States
1700 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 404
Washington, DC 20009.
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193

Green campaign listings, news, photos, and web
sites http://www.gp.org/2006elections
Database of 2006 Green candidates
Video clips of Green candidates

VotersForPeace pledge

“Why the Dems Have Failed Lebanon”
By Stephen Zunes, Foreign Policy In Focus, August 9, 2006

~ END ~

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