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Ali, Wallace & Fishbein @ PeaceSmiths Fri 6/1/07

FRIDAY,  June 1st, 8:30pm

PeaceSmiths monthly Topical A-Typical Folk Music, Poetry, and Whatever Coffeehouse – last of the season! 

at First United Methodist Church, 25 Broadway/Rt. 110 (southmost end near Merrick Rd./Montauk Hwy./Rt. 27A – short walk from Amityville LIRR Stat. and S1, S33, N54 bus routes and just off the N19 – get there and we’ll get you home!), AMITYVILLE, LI, NY

presents performers:

AHMAD ALI – R & B classics –  versasatile in an eclectic range of genres in addition to rhythm and blues, singer and guitarist in Solar Fusion (his band which has appeared at PeaceSmiths Coffehouse) and in Ozone – a 70’s – ’80s dance Funk band; sings for Gorgon Hurley Big Band; in his duo with Clutch amd with various musicians he gathers to perform his originals, is working on a CD,  www.ahmadalimusic.com ; WBAI Radio producer with Ibrahim Gonzales on In the Moment   – 99.5FMFri.’s, 3:30 – 6am.

GEORGE WALLACE – peace and anti-war poetry inspired by his trip to Camp Casey when it was first being established by Cindy Sheehan outside Pres. Bush’s Crawford, TX ranch – we shall carry on!; first Poet Laureate of Suffolk Co..; has had 14 books published in the US, England, and Italy; Editor of Poetry Bay  www.poetrybay.com ; current VP of LI Poetry Collective which publishes Xanadu:

runs the monthly (3rd Fri.’s) Poetry Barn at Conklin House, Huntington.

LISA FISHBEIN – annual “sing-along with Lisa”   celebrating the participation of the PeaceSmiths audience with folk music, spirituals, labor songs, and children’s music – exploring the impact of Mother Goose and the oral tradition; directs the Bush is a Liar Choir (which made its performance debut at PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse and is expected back this Fall!); teaches piano privately; a nursery school music teacher and music therapist for people with Alzheimer’s;  did Masters research at Hunter College with a focus on songs of the Labor Movement, 1900 – 1917, particularly on the Wobblies.

”OPEN TIME – maybe you?!”

 activist announcements punctuate performances, colorful conversation

 $7, 1/2 for kids (more if possible, less if necessary) covers healthful punch and munchies

 FOR MORE INFO./TO GET INVOLVED  call Peacesmiths at (631)798-0778.

help always needed, especially setting up from abour 5pm, and cleaning up – we really have been doing this on frayed shoe-laces – pls. be part of the what-it-takes!

 Pls. suggest performers for the upcoming ’07 -’08 season and offer your help in planning and running the season! – would like to hear of your interest in a summer planning meeting.


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  1. […] Ali, Wallace & Fishbein @ PeaceSmiths Fri 6/1/07 […]

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