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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

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“10 Compliments That (kinda) Wow a Man”

More realistic compliments that men will hear than the Yahoo!/Men’s Health “10 Compliments That Wow a Man”. My corrections are in italic.

“Your arms are stomach is definitely looking bigger smaller.”

Men can be just as paranoid about the way their bodies look as women can be. In fact, nearly 90 percent of men in a national Men, Love & Sex survey say there’s at least one body part they’d like to change (42 percent saying they want a new gut). While men don’t necessarily want women to lie if they’re out of shape, it never hurts to notice he’s looking good — or at least trying to look better.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.”

Guys spend all of high school, the better part of the work day, and at least 12 times a day via e-mail trying to make people laugh. Because men value their sense of humor as one of their most important qualities, a hearty, genuine laugh is as flattering as it gets.

“Wow. You managed to stay awake.

Doesn’t matter whether it comes as he’s getting undressed or after you’ve finished having sex, this short, sweet word (best done in a whisper) may just be the ultimate ego-stroke. A picture may say a thousand words, but this three-letter word sums up roughly 10,000 of them.

“You the man. You’re the best at taking out the garbage.”

Guys hear this all the time. From other guys. They hear it at work, on the golf course, and when one dude from the group buys the beer. But if it comes from a woman — no matter the context — the message is that, hey, we’re buddies, too. Which is actually pretty darn sexy.

“The kids just adore you when they get their allowance.”

More than 50 percent of men say that their families — more so than work and salary — are what defines them most as men. So when a woman affirms that he’s a familial hero, it’s a compliment that stretches way beyond anything you could ever say about his haircut.

“What do you think? Do this dress make me look fat?

We’ve all seen it a million times with long-married couples: They engage in cerebral power struggles, where neither can concede on anything — whether it’s the best way to move a piece of furniture or the fastest way to reach the interstate. I’m not saying that men should have the only say in decisions, but some guys do feel like they actually have very little.

“Cute feet. Much better than wearing socks with sandals.

Typically, it doesn’t matter much to men if women like a part of their body that they don’t control, like their eyes, jawline, or body hair. And typically, guys care for the word “cute” about as much as Paris cares for the penal system. One exception: The part of the body that is classified as being especially gross. Tell a guy he has good feet, and somehow he takes it as a double-bagger compliment — that you not only like his genetics, but also that you appreciate he can keep himself better groomed than the rest of the gnarly-nailed heathens out there.

“Meow. That was amazingly catty.

The stats show that 61 percent of men think their partners aren’t sexually adventurous enough. While a feline one-liner doesn’t automatically qualify as adventurous, it does show a bit of inhibition, and the message is one he likes to hear: That perhaps he’s brought a little bit of the animal out of you.

Impressive. You almost made the laundry basket.”

Guys love feats. They love accomplishments. They love being acknowledged for their strength, power, and, simply, their masculinity. So a well-timed observation like this one — whether it comes after he carries a TV to the family room or figures out a way to fix the pipes without having to call the plumber — feeds into his need to feel like the family protector.

“I want you — to stop for directions.

Women don’t need to go on about a guy’s eyes or hair or clothes. What a guy really wants to hear is that he’s the total package, and this acknowledgement of that — whether it’s referring to bedroom behavior or relationship stability — is the ultimate compliment of them all.

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