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Supporting permanent protection for Edgewood Oak-Brush Plains State Preserve

Hi Ian and Kimberly,

Hope this finds you well! 

We are asking that people sign, print name and address, make one copy.  Send original to Governor Spitzer and the copy to us (address is at bottom of letter). Friends will make further copies and send on the writer’s behalf to all their local, county and state reps, including the NYS DOT.

So, all it ends up costing them is TWO first class stamps.

This is not just a Brentwood, Deer Park or Dix Hills issue or even Western Suffolk County.  Because the preserve is the second largest parcel of rare oak brush in New York State (and is part of the New York State Preserve and Historical Trust) and is a unique and fragile wildlife habitat, it is important that it be protected for all New Yorkers, especially for those who will inherit it: our children and grandchildren.

Thanks and all the best to both of you.  Have a good weekend and holiday. 

Patricia Burkhart
Friends of the Edgewood Preserve
P.O. Box 162
Deer Park, NY  11729

The Honorable Eliot Spitzer
Governor, State of New York
State Capitol
Albany NY 12224

Dear Governor Spitzer,

      I urge you to support permanent protection for the Edgewood Oak-Brush Plains State Preserve and the surrounding residential communities of Brentwood, Deer Park and Dix Hills by opposing the proposed NYS DOT Long Island Truck to Rail Intermodal (LI TRIM) project in the Brentwood Hamlet of the Town of Islip.

      The Edgewood Oak-Brush Plains State Preserve is an irreplaceable 850-acre environmental resource — a unique and fragile ecosystem that is home to an incredibly diverse variety of migratory birds and other wildlife. The proposed TRIM facility, which is adjacent to the Edgewood Preserve, is part of the largest remnant of pitch pine scrub oak brush on Long Island, and the second largest in New York State. These lands are also part of a deep flow aquifer recharge area designated as a Special Groundwater Protection Area, which is a major source of drinking water for Nassau and Suffolk Counties. The land in and surrounding the preserve provide prime nesting for plant and animal species that are on the Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern lists of New York State. These include, but are not limited to: Lady Slipper, Coastal Barrens Buck-eye moth, Sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper’s hawk, Whip-poor-will, Yellow-breasted Chat, Eastern Box Turtle, and New England Blazing Star.

      Construction and development of the TRIM facility right next to this fragile habitat will, by the DOT’s own admission in their DEIS, harm the birds and other wildlife that live and thrive there, as well as the many families in this area. It will have a major impact on air and water quality, creating a situation where carcinogenic diesel emissions will linger over a radius of many miles. In addition, the excess noise, vibrations, light trespass and glare emanating from the site will further endanger wildlife at the preserve and forever affect the quality of life in the neighboring communities. 

      Moreover, it should be noted that in Chapter 635, Section 7 of the Laws of 1987, it was established that any Pilgrim State Hospital Land no longer needed by the hospital should be incorporated into the Oak Brush Plains State Preserve. Please uphold this legislation and stop the transfer of this land (which is part of a significant contiguous forest habitat) for a noisy, polluting and very invasive development plan. Former Governors Pataki and Cuomo recognized the importance of the Oak Brush Plains. I find it hard to fathom that the voters who put you in office are in agreement with you on this issue. I kindly urge you to reconsider your position on this matter. I appreciate your consideration of my letter and look forward to your response.




Cc: Friends of the Edgewood Preserve, P.O. Box 162, Deer Park, NY 11729   

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