Greens, joining antiwar protests throughout September and October, hold Democratic & Republican leaders responsible for Bush’s disastrous military and foreign policies
• Vote for the Green Party, America’s Peace Party, instead of ‘Faux Peace Party’ Democratic candidates who are collaborating with Bush by supporting threats of an attack on Iran and by renewing funding for the Iraq War. Click here to find out more about why the Green Party is America’s Peace Party.
• The Green Party calls for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney an essential part of the demand for peace, urge Americans to be skeptical of GOP media propaganda blitz this week on the US troop surge.
Greens will use their presence in various antiwar demonstrations and other events throughout September and October to press the Green Party’s demand for immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
Green Party activists will also use their presence in actions organized by the ANSWER Coalition (September 15 and United For Peace & Justice (National Mobilization to End the War in Iraq, October 27, to stress that the Iraq War and other disastrous Bush Administration
policies are the result of bipartisan support.
Green leaders are urging US voters to support the Green Party’s ‘Peace Slate’ in the 2008 election. “If Green candidates get strong percentages in races for Congress and the White House — or even better, a seat or two in the US House, it’ll terrify the Democratic and Republican Members of Congress into supporting a quick end to the Iraq War,” said Jim Coplen, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.
“The greatest danger to the peace movement is that organizations and voters who oppose the war are being fooled into seeing the election of Democrats as a step towards peace, stability, and the observance of human rights in the Middle East,” said Deanna Taylor, co-chair of the Green Party’s Peace Action Committee (GPAX) “It wasn’t just a scheme by neocon radicals in the Bush Administration. The Iraq War has been a bipartisan project from the beginning.”
“Democratic Congress members joined Republicans in support of the invasion of Iraq and transfer of constitutional war powers to the White House. Now that they’re in control of Congress, Democratic leaders are squandering their power,” Taylor added.
Green Party leaders listed major points of concern that they intend to address by
participating the antiwar protests:
- The growing likelihood of a US attack on Iran, and willingness of leading Democrats and Republicans, especially Democratic and Republican presidential candidates, to support a strike. Greens warn that a US attack on Iran is now the gravest threat to world peace.
- A massive media propaganda blitz by the White House, including a planned address by President Bush this week, to persuade Americans that the troop surge is succeeding, timed to coincide with General Petraeus’s final report, despite high Iraqi civilian casualties, continuing US troop casualties and low morale, and other indications that the situation in Iraq is worsening
- The refusal of Democratic and Republican leaders to demand immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq or to cut off funding for the war; concerns that Democratic politicans will retreat further on opposition to war in the face of the above-mentioned Bush propaganda effort.
- The refusal of and Republican Democratic leaders to seek impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney for numerous abuses of power, violations of the US Constitution and international law, war crimes, and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Greens have called impeachment a necessary step in the effort to recall troops and end the war.
- Current US pressure, with bipartisan support, on the Iraqi Parliament to pass the hydrocarbon law, which will place Iraqi oil under the control of US and UK corporations and require prolonged US military presence in Iraq to protect US & UK investments. Greens have supported demands of Iraqi workers that the law be rejected and that Iraqi oil remain under Iraqi control
Greens warned Americans that the Bush Administration has spread disinformation about Iran’s role in arming factions in the Iraqi civil war and about Iran’s nuclear capabilities, and has greatly exaggerated al-Qaeda’s presence in Iraq. “After seven years of deception, attempts to thwart investigate into the 9/11 attacks, and disregard for law, the Bush Administration should have zero credibility among the media and the public,” said Jody Grage, treasurer of the Green Party.
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- Why Vote Green? America’s Peace Party
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- Green Party: Democrats & Republicans retreating on impeachment & withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, don’t deserve 2008 votes
- Working Assets support the Bush Agenda
- Ralph Nader: Why we (really, really) need 3rd parties
Filed under: activism, Anti-War, Art, democrat, events, Green Party Websites, international politics, media, Nonprofit Orgs, Our Favorite Radio Stations, Political Websites, reform, republican, US Politics, write-in vote Tagged: | a place called hope, book of the month, democrat, George W. Bush, republican
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