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McKinney stumps for SC Greens 11/1/07


Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia will deliver an address the Fort Mill community November 1st, at 6:30. Her address will be delivered from the recently built Jerusalem Baptist Church community center, directly behind the church at 1003 Steele Street. Her message of hope will bolster Bryan Smith‘s campaign for Fort Mill Town Council as well as giving the York County Greens their first big opportunity to build a solid local base of support for their cause.

Always a lightning rod for those who believe a woman’s place is in the kitchen, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was the first Black woman elected to Georgia’s state legislature. With rules that required she wear a dress on the state house floor, she choose instead to wear a smart pants suit, letting them know that the days of the “Good Ole Boy” system were a thing of the past. Now, she may be carrying that same message about the two-party system.

Controversial not only for her choice of clothing, McKinney has spoken out against the war on Iraq from the beginning, and anti-war mom Cindy Sheehan calls her “My friend who’s running for President”. McKinney is being actively pursued by the Green Party as their nominee in 2008. Local Green Party chair Gregg Jocoy has already endorsed her possible run, saying “We had Ralph Nader on our ballot line in 2000, and that brought us recruits and supporters who are with us to this day. I know Cynthia McKinney will bring an entirely new and energized group of people to our side. Then it’s our job to show them that we mean business.”

A part of that business is getting Bryan Smith elected to the Fort Mill Town Council. “I am thrilled that Cynthia McKinney will be here in Fort Mill.” Smith said. “Her leadership in Congress is a great model for me to follow.” Smith, running for an at-large seat on the town council, has been campaigning actively across the small town for weeks, and has high hopes of being South Carolina’s first elected Green. “Party politics are not that important in a town council race” he said, “but having a powerful and eloquent speaker like Congresswoman McKinney visit can only bring more attention to my campaign.”

Local entertainment is planned, and light refreshments will be served. There is no change to attend, and the community building is large enough to accommodate the large crowd anticipated. “It’s not often that a person of McKinney’s stature visits, and I hope the community shows her a lot of love Thursday evening” Jocoy said.

McKinney, who served a dozen years in Congress, filed impeachment papers on President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Sec. of State Rice as her last official act.

More Information

Bryan Smith for Town Council http://www.votebryan.org
Draft Cynthia McKinney for President http://www.runcynthiarun.com
Cynthia McKinney website http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com
South Carolina Green Party http://www.scgreenparty.org
York County (SC) Greens http://www.yorkgreens.com

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