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DC Green Party deliver No War-No Warming letter to Pelosi

DC Statehood Greens deliver ‘No War, No Warming’ letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Members of the DC Statehood Green Party delivered a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday, October 22, calling on Ms. Pelosi to take immediate action to
bring US troops home from Iraq and enact necessary steps to offset the advance of global

The visit to Rep. Pelosi’s office was part of ‘No War, No Warming’  www.nowarnowarming.org, a national coalition effort to persuade the  Democratic-controlled Congress to reverse the Bush agenda, end the Iraq War and US oil dependence, and address catastrophic climate change. The DC Statehood Green Party endorsed No War, No Warming at its October 4, 2007 monthly meeting.

The letter, printed below, also urges Rep. Pelosi to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush and Vice President Cheney for numerous abuses of power and violations of the public trust, redirect military spending towards rebuilding the  post-Katrina Gulf Coast and other human needs, and support statehood for the District of Columbia, one of the chief goals of the Statehood Green Party.

Several Green Party activists from nearby states participated in No War, No Warming on Monday www.gp.org/press/pr_2007_10_22.shtml. The Green Party has been sharply critical of Congress’s Democratic leadership after the 2006 election, especially the  Democrats’ endorsement of continued funding for the war and failure to impeach Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney.

Letter to House Speaker Pelosi:

October 22, 2007

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House
California-8th, Democrat
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0508
Phone: (202) 225-4965

Dear Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,

We urge your support for the No War No Warming Agenda (http://www.nowarnowarming.org/) that calls for immediate action…

…To end the war in Iraq and all future oil wars
…To halt the impending climate crisis
…To end the US addiction to oil and other fossil fuels
…To rebuild New Orleans and all impacted communities
…To end racism and corporate greed
…To promote green jobs in a clean energy economy

We strongly urge you take the following specific steps that will begin the process of implementing this Agenda:

  1. Take leadership to immediately cut off Iraq war/occupation funding to remove all US troops, and private military personnel from Iraq as soon as possible. This can be accomplished without fear of a Bush veto by your refusal to allow a funding bill to be brought to the House floor. Put the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney on the agenda, so their high crimes and misdemeanors can be made transparent to the American people.
  2. Take vigorous action to prevent a US/Israeli attack on Iran, rather promote a WMD/Nuclear weapons free zone in the Mid and Near East. Terminate new US funded arms deals with Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, end US taxpayer aid to same states until all international and humanitarian law provisions are implemented, including UN Resolutions 194, 242.
  3. Support an immediate 20% cut in the military budget and transfer of same funds to:  a. Rebuilding New Orleans and all impacted communities.
    b. Creating a government owned solar infrastructure (e.g., vast expansion of Concentrated Solar Power in Southwest military reservations).
    c. A significant increase in federal subsidization of home solarization/energy conservation.
  4. Support an amended version of H.R. 1590 (To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the climate: “Safe Climate Act of 2007) with the following provisions:
    a. Require a more rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that is consistent with next month’s IPCC recommendations to avoid catastrophic consequences of global warming. Reduce these emissions sooner rather than later to meet a 95% reduction target.
    b. Replace cap and trade approach with an socially equitable carbon tax (e.g., federal
    income tax reductions including direct payments to low income people, cancellation of all Bush tax cuts to the rich).
    c. Require zero emission standard on new cars in no less than 2 years.
    d. No new coal-powered electricity production, rapid conversion of all coal-powered utilities to clean energy.
  5. Support Statehood for the District of Columbia, a long overdue measure giving its
    residents the same rights as all other American citizens.

We would welcome a dialogue on this recommended course of action and look forward to its timely implementation.

Respectfully submitted,

David Schwartzman, PhD
Coordinator, Legislative Agenda

Jane Zara, PhD
Steering Committee

DC Statehood Green Party (affiliate party of the
Green Party of the United States,

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