Suffolk Peace Network Anti-War Demonstration
Friday, November 28 2:00-4:00 PM
Smith Haven Mall…Main Entrance on Rte 25 in Lake Grove
You know, on “Black Friday”, when the stores all want to see how greedy and indulgent we will be this holiday season, you are not supposed to buy anything? Not buying things makes them import and produce less garbage and chachka. And, not buying anything makes them consider lowering prices, as well.
Instead of going shopping, you should use your day off (if you get one) to demonstrate for peace in the world! Go to the Suffolk Peace Network’s Peace Demo at Smith Haven Mall! Info below. It is commendable that the Suffolk Peace Network is not just against War in Iraq – such as the prevailing, status-quo position – but is also against War in Afghanistan. It will be important to watch America’s actions throughout the globe, even if we ever do get out of the one War in Iraq!
**** ACTION ALERT ****
The war in Iraq rages on, the war in Afghanistan rages on AND the U.S. continues to send missiles over the border into Pakistan—these missiles usually wind up killing innocent civilians attending funerals or weddings or they just rain down on villages!!
Friday, November 28 2:00-4:00 PM
Smith Haven Mall…Main Entrance on Rte 25 in Lake Grove.
Please join the Suffolk Peace Network as we once again take a stand against this nation’s foreign policy. On this first day after Thanksgiving as shoppers go to the mall to start their Holiday shopping let’s be a reminder to them that people are still being killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as the United States continues its pro-war policies.
FYI: Background on “Black Friday” from Wikipedia:
…Although Black Friday, as the first shopping day after Thanksgiving, has served as the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season at least since the start of the modern Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924, the term “Black Friday” has been traced back only to the 1960s.
The term “Black Friday” originated in Philadelphia in reference to the heavy traffic on that day. More recently, merchants and the media have used it instead to refer to the beginning of the period in which retailers are in the black (i.e., turning a profit)…
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, afghanistan, Holidays, long island, Long Island Politics, News, Peace, progressive politics, thanksgiving, US Politics Tagged: | afghanistan, Black Friday, Demonstration, Iraq, Peace, shopping, Suffolk County, Suffolk Peace Network, thanksgiving, Thanksgiving08
You do not have a permit to picket in Lake Grove, Smithaven Mall is in the village. If you picket without a permit I will call the police and ask for everyone to be arrested for unlawful protest. I am glad you will be picketing at Greenlawn it will give me a chance to get my friends with large trucks to handle your moronic group. You have no idea what is going on, educate yourselves and crawl back under your rock, no one cares.