A Column, A Viewpoint and a Letter to the Editor From County Executive Steve Levy….Oh My!
Mr. Dodson points out that “For many, Mr. Levy has come to represent some of the uglier characteristics of the right wing.” He’s right. Many of my conservative friends and family really resent the face that Steve Levy has put on the face of conservatism in Suffolk County. The “c-word” as many of them now refer to their ideals as, feel that conservatism is synonymous with hate in our community. However, I am quick to point out that the Conservative party in Suffolk County were also the ones that had those flashy red and white signs we saw in hotly contested races the last two years that say “stop illegal immigration, vote row D.” So the active county conservatives were really also playing to a new breed of conservatism, while alienating their lifelong supporters.
Filed under: activism, immigration, long island, Long Island Politics, News
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