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If you or your friend are faced with eviction/foreclosure: Stick together

A few points:

-Finally, people in America are understanding that if the rich people and elected officials steal your money and bailout banks, then we can all stick together to make make sure our homes, money, lives do not get destroyed in the process.

-Interesting that this article refers to the plan and to ACORN as: “both progressive and radical”

(excerpt from) Los Angeles Times via Common Dreams

ACORN Urges Civil Disobedience in Foreclosure Evictions
The Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has launched a campaign encouraging
people facing eviction to summon volunteers to their homes to resist orders to leave.

by Jessica Garrison / February 20, 2009 by the Los Angeles Times

A national community organizing group Thursday announced a campaign of civil disobedience designed to help families resist eviction and remain in their homes after foreclosure.

Activists with ACORN, the Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now, said they would encourage people facing eviction to use text messaging and cellphones to quickly summon volunteers to their homes. The entire group would resist orders to leave, forcing sheriff’s deputies to arrest large numbers of people to complete the eviction — and drawing attention to the evictees’ plight in the process.

The HomeStaying campaign is being waged in Los Angeles and more than 20 other cities, including Oakland, Houston and New York, said Charles Jackson, an ACORN spokesman…

But the group, whose actions have been described as both progressive and radical, is clearly tapping into populist resentment toward the high number of foreclosures.

Steve Whitmore, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, said his office, which carries out eviction orders on behalf of the Los Angeles County Superior Court, is sensitive to the issue.

He refused to speculate about what his department would do if confronted with dozens of people refusing to vacate a house. Last week a Carson man refused to leave when deputies showed up to evict him; deputies did not arrest him…

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