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For Congress in Illinois: Thoughts on the Green Party

The background from the Green Party of Illinois web-site:

The ILGP’s first ever non-presidential contested primary will be held on March 3, 2009, in the 5th Congressional District Special Election. All voters are invited to participate in the Green Party primary.

Kimberly, who is NOT enrolled in the Green Party, but who holds green values, is writing this piece. I care and am allowing myself to comment on the race in Illinois because there was an overlap of when I resigned. I had already realized that this race could be interesting because it is a special election to fill the seat of Rahm Emmanuel. It will be interesting to see what happens in a high-profile race, where the is an open primary system,so, anyone of any political stripe can “hop in” and decide to vote in the Green Party race. (Note, a similar situation in Georgia is what allowed the Republicans, years ago, to thwart then incumbent Democrat, Cynthia McKinney from winning her own party’s primary.)

Based on some video from our green-friendly colleagues at Polidoc, a survey of news stories, and some inside information I received early in the race, I would say that Matt Reichel is probably the best Green Party candidate in the race, with Deb Gordils an interesting choice for greens, too. It appears that Gordils was a more independent-minded candidate who stumbled upon the Green Party ballot line as a way to insert herself. Though, now that she has checked in at the Green Party, she seems to like the view. As the story below details, at a recent multi-partisan debate, Matt Reichel and Deb Gordils did the old “one, two” and supported each others’ urgings for an end to war.

(excerpt from) Polidoc
Final Candidate’s Forum for IL 5th District Highlights Wholistic Differences
Article and Photo by Kevin Gosztola

…Organizers separated the forum into two segments: the first featured only Democrats; the second included Republicans and Greens. Despite this segregation of parties, it proved surprisingly effective in highlighting the key issues and solutions that differentiate them from one another.

It was Green Party candidate Matt Reichel’s response to a question on Section 8 housing during which the forum took a spontaneous turn. Reichel suggested that domestic issues could be solved once we end the wars and cut the military budget. This was the first time that the Middle East Wars had been brought up. The audience broke out in uproarious applause while the moderator struggled to regain control by asking the Reichel to “answer the question.”

Fellow Green Party candidate Deb Gordils seconded Reichel’s answer and added that it was time that people suspend their loyalties to the Democratic Party and vote Green. She too was told by the moderator to “answer the question.”…

Other Green candidates in attendance were Matt Fredrickson and Simon Ribeiro…

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