Kimberly Wilder
I am excited. Independent Political Report (IPR) is a good source of news for third party people, as well as for independent voters and candidates. We get news from them a lot. And, they sometimes link to our site.
Now, I am on the writing team over at IPR. I am writing with my new identity as “an independent.” Don’t worry, I will still be writing here onthewilderside. Even though Ian is a Green, I have no intention of bailing on him.
My first post was an easy one, I reposted a Ballot Access News story on a National Popular Vote bill that passed in Oregon. I am excited to see what interesting pearls of news I can dig up for their site. It’s fun to be on a new team. And, it is also fun to be on a site that shows up on “Google News.”
Filed under: 3rd party, media, politics, third party Tagged: | Independent Political Report, kimberly wilder, media, new projects
Kim, I’m glad you are contributing over at IPR! I like that site and they have done an excellent job covering third parties. You will be a good addition there.
Thanks, Ron!!!