Social Media Release:
The Green Party of Suffolk is proud to announce that Suffolk Green Party Executive Board member Matthew Lavery has been elected to the National Green Party House Campaign Committee (NGPHCC). Lavery is the Islip Town co-representative to the Coordinating Committee of the Green Party of Suffolk. The NGPHCC exists to promote the campaigns of Green Party candidates running for the United States House of Representatives, to support ballot access drives to enable such campaigns, and to support other party-building activities.
For several years as an expatriate American, Lavery had been active for years with the Green Party in Norwich, Norfolk England. Norwich was voted the “Greenest” city in England in 2006. Norwich also has one of the most successful local Green Parties in Britain—Greens are the official opposition party on the City Council, controlling 13 of 39 seats, two less than the majority Labour Party. Most recently, Lavery has served as an advisor to the European Parliamentary Campaign for Rupert Read, who is a Norwich City Councillor. Read is also the official aviation policy spokesman for the Green Party of England. Since returning to the United States, Lavery has become very active in local and national Green Party politics, and was elected a Presidential Delegate to the 2008 Green Party Presidential Convention.
“I am glad I had an opportunity to nominate Matthew Lavery to work on getting a Green Party voice in Congress”, said Green Party of Suffolk chair Roger Snyder, who serves as an at-large National Committee member to the Green Party of the United States. “The United States needs the Green Party so someone can represent the views of the majority of citizens in the Congress. A majority of the American people agree with the Green Party position of wanting the troops home from Afghanistan while our Democratic and Republican Long Island Congresspersons want to mire us deeper in a war that will lose American lives and destroy our economy. A majority of the American people agree with the Green Party position of wanting insurance companies removed from their health care while our Democratic and Republican Long Island Congresspersons have dismissed Single-Payer Universal Health Care. For too long the Democratic and Republican Parties have represented corporate interests in Congress; the American People need the Green Party to represent their interests in Congress.”
The Green Party is an alternative party to the Democrats and Republicans. The four pillars of the Green Party are: Nonviolence/Peace; Grassroots Democracy; Social and Economic Justice; and Ecological Wisdom. For more information about Green Party activities, please go to or call Green Party of Suffolk Chair Roger Snyder at 631-351-5763. You can enroll in the Green Party by checking the box marked “Other” on the voter registration form and writing in the word “Green” on the line next to it.
Filed under: election, elections, Green Party, long island, Long Island Politics, News, politics, third party, US Politics
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