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  • Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: Ultimate Fan Guide

    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: The Ultimate Fan Guide [Kindle] $0.99.

    Kobo Inc.
    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire:  Ultimate Fan Guide

    Georgiana is the subject of the movie "The Duchess" (currently on Netflix) and a relative of the young Prince and Princess of Cambridge. Get the Ultimate Fan Guide -- with plot points, history, and what happened to the historical characters -- for only 99 cents!

  • Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker

    Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker
    The Green Party has continually opposed entry into war and has consistently called for the immediate return of our troops, in stark contrast to the Democratic and Republican parties.
    Today we march, tomorrow we vote Green Party.

  • Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened?

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? ebook cover


    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook on Amazon

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

LI Green Sheets 7/22/09

Welcome to the LI Green Sheets
rev 7-22-09

The LI Green Sheets is a weekly “Green Events” email service about green events and activities in our region.  If your organization or company has an event, class, meeting, seminar or program that you want LI Green’s over 5000 environmental businesspeople, activists, educators email list to know about please fill out this web form or forward information to greensheets@ligreen.com.  Include  date, time, address, event description, web link and contact information.

We also offer sponsored listings and advertisement to businesses that provide sustainability products and services.  To learn more about this great opportunity please contact Chuck Schwartz at chuck@ligreen.com or 631-721-1908.  Thanks for your company’s support Click here to signup for the LI Green Email List.Please forward this email to anyone that you think might be interested in it.

Green Drinks – Green Drinks are monthly networking events for environmental professionals, educators and others held throughout Long Island

  • Green Drinks Open House –  With Whole Foods Jericho and Greener Country Store – Monday August 10th, 5-8 PM. Jericho Commons Shopping Center, 429 North Broadway, Jericho 11743. Click Here for Directions

  • Coming Soon – Watch for the dates First annual Southampton Green Drinks “Beach Party” in Mid August,  Green Drinks Open House at the Wales Darby Energy Room,  Western Nassau County Green Drinks, Five Towns Green Drinks

Charitable Events

  • Ellen’s Run – Family Event to Benefit Breast Cancer Patient Support Services.  5K race/walk.  Sun August 16th.  9 am sharp. New Location: Southampton Hospital

Live and Learn

  • North Shore Land Alliance “Walks in the Woods”
    • July 31, 6 p.m. – This exploration of fields, ponds, and woodlands of the Farm at Oyster Bay, Oyster Bay Cove will be led by naturalist Peter Warny.
    • August 15, 10 a.m. – Be prepared to get your feet (and more?) wet inspecting trout habitat at Beaver Brook, Mill Pond, and Cold Spring Brook with Trout Unlimited’s Jeff Plackis.
    • September 13, noon – Come explore the fields and forest of Red Cote Preserve (the Pulling/Cutting/Schwab property) in Oyster Bay Cove with naturalist Dan Kriesberg.
    • October 10, 1 p.m. (date and time to be confirmed!) – Long Island Mycological Club’s Joel Horman will lead a hunt for mushrooms at Fox Hollow Preserve in Oyster Bay Cove.
    • November 1, 1 p.m. – Explore the wonderful woodlands at Roosevelt Preserve in Roosevelt with North Shore Land Alliance’s Jane Jackson.

    Space is limited; registration is recommended. To register and for directions please contact North Shore Land Alliance at (516) 626- 0908 or andrea@northshorelandalliance. org.

  • LONG ISLAND SOUND MEDITATION – All environmental issues are symptoms of a far deeper issue – human separation from the rest of nature.  Renew your spiritual relationship with LI Sound to find inner peace.  A shamanic-based meditation.  Older children welcome.  Peter Maniscalco guides.  Summer Sundays through Labor Day weekend.  Meet: 10:30 am, Shoreham Beach parking lot,  N. Country Rd., Shoreham.  Info: 631.874.4104.
  • Sierra Club Long Island Water Sentinels Invites you to taste wine and meet LI artists Martha Clara Vineyards 6025 Sound Ave, Riverhead, NY 11901 Sunday, August 16  1:00pm – 5:00pm *Cost: $25.00 pay at door RSVP:  Linda Freilich, Coastal Waterways Chair, turton@optonline.net or Sally Anne Keller at sawatercolor@optonline.net *100% of funds go toward buying water test kits *20% of artists’ earnings pledged to the cause

  • Renewable Energy Long Island (RELI) – Free public seminar on Renewable Energy, Town of East Hampton – July 30 – 6:00-8:00pm www.renewableenergylongisland.org for more info

  • Green Living LI Meetup – August 6th at Bobbi-Que, 70 W Main St, Patchogue, NY 11772, 631-447-7744.  More details at
    http://www.meetup.com/Living- Green-Long-Island/calendar/ 10788718/. Michael Brylewski of Organic Cleaning in Hampton Bays will be speaking about the benefits of green cleaning your home.

  • Green Living Seminars – Starflower Experiences – Speakers on a variety of ‘green living’ topics at the Melville Library on the 2nd Thursday (except July & August) 7-9 pm 516-938-6152 Email:info@ starflowerexperiences.org www.starflowerexperiences.org

  • Discovering a Sense of Place Discussion Course – Starflower Experiences 516-938-6152 :info@starflowerexperiences.org This 8 session course will meet Tuesday evenings at Manor Farm. The purpose of the Discovering a Sense of Place course is:  to understand the meaning of a bioregional perspective, and what it would mean to develop one, to consider the benefits of consciously developing an intimate relationship with your place, and to explore what it might mean to protect the place where you live. Starts October 6 Download a registration flyer at www.starflowerexperiences.org.  More info at www.nwei.org

  • Permaculture Design Course – Starflower Experiences 516-938-6152 :info@starflowerexperiences.org Permaculture design is a comprehensive set of principles and theories regarding sustainability.  This is an internationally recognized certification program which, upon successful completion of the course, the student is now enabled to teach and practice permaculture design. Download registration form www.starflowerexperiences.org

  • Stony Brook Advanced Energy Research Center Annual Conference – If you are in any way involved in the search for innovative solutions to the world’s energy needs, then Advanced Energy 2009 is the one conference you cannot afford to miss. On November 18 & 19 the energy world will be focused on the Hyatt Regency Long Island hotel in Hauppauge, New York. Mark the dates on your calendar today! For info or to register Kathleen Ferrell at kferrell@notes.cc.sunysb.edu,  or by telephone at  (631) 632-4625.

Long Island Environmental Groups

  • North Fork Environmental Council – Join the North Fork Environmental Council on  a  leisurely and FREE of CHARGE 9 mile bike ride as we ‘Bike What’s Left’ on Saturday, August 15th (RD Sunday, August 16th).  Led by  environmentalists and biking enthusiasts Ken Rubino and Rory MacNish, this scenic bicycle ride will traverse some of the North Fork’s most beautiful roadways.  Although this is a free event PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.  Please call the NFEC office at 631-298-8880 for more information and to register your participation.  This event will begin at 11am and refreshments will be served at 2pm at the NFEC office.  The beginning bicycle rider should be able to complete the entire bike tour in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes while enjoying the views or stopping along the way.   Saturday,August 15th, 11am-2pm.
  • Coastal Steward – Join the Coastal Steward on Sunday, July 26th, 2009,  from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to restore the beauty of  Goldsmith’s Inlet in Southold.  For more info contact Dave Johnson 516-946-6560. The Coastal Steward is an environmental restoration organization primarily focused on Adopt-A-Beach and Shellfish Restoration programs on Long Island, New York.
    To sign up for an event or program, please go to www.coastalsteward.org and fill out the volunteer form.
  • EECO Farm – Win a John Deere Mower/Tractor!  Raffle tickets only $20  Three for $50.  Tickets sold at EECO Farm Stand
    55 Long Lane, East Hampton &  Balsam Farm Stand Town Lane, Amagansett. All proceeds will support EECO Farm Drawing on Saturday, September 5 at EECO Farm’s Pot Luck Picnic 6 PM

  • Peconic Land Trust – Bridge Gardens – Join us for Friday Evening special events – www.peconic.landtrust.org

  • Peconic Land Trust – Open house at the Amagansett Farmers Market – Thursday July 30th – 367 Main Street, Amagansett. For more information, please contact Yvette DeBow-Salsedo at 631.283.3195 or
    email to

  • Babylon Green Party On Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 7pm, the Babylon Green Party Gathering will feature a showing of Michael Moore’s film, “Sicko” The film uses humor to point out the sad state of medical coverage in the United States.  It outlines how much more successful a single-payer universal healthcare system has been in every other industrialized country. This showing is an extension of the Babylon Green Party’s 100 Days series which discusses issues that President Obama needed to address in his first 100 Days. http://www.BabylonGreens.org The event will be held at Pisces Café, 14A Railroad Avenue, Babylon, NY (631-321-1231) http://www.piscescafe.net.  For info call 631-422-4702 or email ian.wilder@yahoo.com Children are welcome. All gatherings are free of charge, and open to the public.

  • Rangers of the Earth Program DayStarflower Experiences 516-938-6152 info@starflowerexperiences.org – Rangers of the Earth helps upper elementary learners understand basic ecological processes, develop positive feelings about being in the natural world, and use their new understandings and feelings to change their own environmental habits.  This full-day session will provide an overview of the program, give you a chance to experience some of the activities (both indoor and outdoor), and help you find out how your group can participate in the program. This workshop is for classroom teachers, outdoor leaders, those who care for wild places, and others interested in seeing a model earth education program. November 15, 2009  8:30 am – 5:00 pm Sweet Hollow Hall, West Hills County Park. Download or request registration flyer www.starflowerexperiences.org

  • Earth Education Workshop – Starflower Experiences:516-938-6152 info@starflowerexperiences.org Join us for a full day of stimulating sessions and demonstration activities introducing earth education. Earth education programs help learners understand basic ecological processes, develop positive feelings about the natural world, and use their new understandings and feelings to begin making change in their own environmental habits.November 14, 2009 8:30 – 5:00 at Sweet Hollow Hall, West Hills County Park, Melville.  Download or request registration flyer www.starflowerexperiences.org

  • LI Naturally environmental fair – Starflower Experiences 516-938-6152 info@starflowerexperiences.org This is our annual environmental fair to be held at Manor Farm in Huntington.September 26, 2009 10 am – 4 pm Just come – no signup required. www.starflowerexperiences.org

Local Government


  • DONATE USED BIKES NOVEMBER 7 & 8, 2009. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00p.m. at The Wheatley School 11 Bacon Road, Old Westbury, NY.  Bikes will be shipped to Ghana, West Africa to be used as socially, economically, and environmentally appropriate and sustainable transportation technology, helping people break the poverty cycle, providing access to school, work, health care, and market places.  In collaboration with The Village Bike Project.org, we have already sent nearly 2000 bikes to Ghana!  Re-Cycle your cycles and help The Wheatley Afri-Bike Coalition change more lives in rural West Africa.  And please help us spread the word by posting this info at your local bike shop, house of worship, community center, etc. For more info and other drop off locations in Nassau and Western Suffolk, please contact Steve Finkeklstein at (H) 516-334-2375,  (W- school year) 516-333-7143 or earthfink@aol.com and check the school website this fall at ewsdonline.org.

Long Island Green Businesses

  • Built Well Solar – Solar Energy Seminars Save money and save the planet… Long Islanders are invited to learn how solar-electric and the new “skylight-look” solar hot water system can cut utility bills. Topics include affordability, new stimulus plan incentives, how systems work, net metering for homes (and now for businesses), paybacks to you and the planet. The Velux Building, 2905 Veteran’s Memorial Hwy., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779. 7:30 pm.  Thursday, August 6 and The Electrical Training Center, 65 Elm Street , Copiague, NY 11726. 10 a.m.  Saturday, Aug. 8 Free admission, plus free refreshments & free “green” raffles. Relaxed “town meeting” atmosphere.  Preregisterr by e-mail via register@builtwellsolar.com or call or call (516) 809-7182, or visit the website, www.builtwellsolar.com and click on “seminars and more” to complete the registration form and for directions.

  • Majestic Son and Sons – Solar Seminars Saturday 8/8/09 from 10am-12pm—Tuesday 8/25/09 from 7pm-9pm. All of our seminars are held at our show room-508 Route 112, Patchogue, NY 11772. For people to reserve their seat they may contact us by phone or e-mail- 631-758-0792(office) info@majesticsonli.com (email).www.majesticsonli.com

  • Go Solar Saturday Solar Tour –  Educational seminar on solar energy.  See how solar electric and solar thermal work first hand in our SunShack.  August 15, 2009  10 a.m. – Noon  Signup at gosolar.com 631-727-2224.  Also Sept. 12th and 19th

  • East End GreenFest – Weekend of August 1st and 2nd. 2 day outdoor festival celebrating the latest green solutions in a fun and informative setting.  Festivities include live music from local musicians, healthy and organic foods and beverages, interactive displays, speakers, kids activities, speakers, hand on demonstrations, exhibits and shopping for natural and sustainable products.  Strawberry Fields Fairgrounds – Rt 48 in Mattituck.  For more info 631-470-3933 or www.eastendgreenfest.com

  • Second Annual Solar Day – August 8th 12pm Eastern Energy Systems 631 779 1026. mfroehlich@e2sys.com –  Event will be held at our Renewable Energy Demo Home Facility (3305 Alrich Lane, Laurel).  Live Music, Food, Local Farm Products, Wine Tasting, Green Vendors. Renewable Energy Tours and Presentations will be given hourly promoting education, conservation and energy efficiency and production.

  • HIA Environmental &  Energy Seminars & Expo Several “green” seminars & exhibition hall with several “green” technologies October 23, 2009  8 AM – 4 PM www.hia-li.org 631.543.5355

  • Introduction to Photovoltaics – 8 hour seminar – Windsine, Inc. www.windsine.org 631-514-4166 Sat July 25th.  8:30 to 4:30.  Holiday Inn East End, Riverhead.  Understand PV before you talk to contractors or do it yourself

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