David Pechefsky is a Green Party candidate with 12 years direct experience in New York City government. He has concrete ideas for structural change that can be accomplished and he will be a catalyst for a truly democratic City Council, eco-friendly living, and the sensible use of our resources. http://pechefskyforcitycouncil.com
Filed under: 3rd party, election, elections, grassroots democracy, Green Party, video Tagged: | David Pechefsky, new york city
Best of luck, David! But, also know that this year there’s actually a new kind of Republican candidate that can and will (if he can win his Primary on Sept. 15th) be as “green” as anyone running in the 39th District. Certainly vs. the Democratic slate. I’m that candidate, and I look forward to meeting the Green Party hopeful (who has to gain the ballot and have petitions signed, etc. etc.). Park Slope Food Co-op for years? check. Ambitious program for healthier habits in Brooklyn? check. Then, I got futher than anyone can or has imagined — and will expose pollutants can are contributing right now (that means, as you sleep) to benzene etc. pumped into our air… and this is where people, sorry to say that have “12 years direct experience” in government fall short without even realizing it. They can’t see real problems NOR real solutions, because they’re mostly part of a ONE PARTY system without checks, balances or predominantly concerns for accomplishments or improvements.
The link for the revised version of that great video is here: