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The Last Internationale album is out


More videos can be found at http://www.youtube.com/edgeyp12

I’ve been feeling guilty for weeks about not posting about the release of The Last Internationale’s self-titled debut album.   I anxiously awaited the dlivery of the album, and was not disappointed.  I am in awe of the creative power of this duo, Edgey and Delila.  Their recordings, which were produced by Edgey, perfectly capture their captivating intensity.  You can hear 5 of their songs at www.myspace.com/thelastinternationale. You can also buy the album directly through their myspace site.

They describe themselves as

The Last Internationale is a radical folk duo (Edgey and Delila) from Long Island, New York. Rejecting the belief that musicians should be mere entertainers or controversial only for the sake of healthy political discourse, the group prefers to mix music with (dis)organized resistance. Their intent isn’t simply to change your mind, but to inspire acts of rebellion that will bring down empires.

Fighting for Freedom Because a Better World Is Possible CoverMy excitement in getting the album was doubled because my pre-sale album included Edgey’s book, Fighting for Freedom Because a Better World Is Possible.  I have to admit that even though I haven’t finished reading my current reading assignment of finishing Green Politics is Eutopian for review here, I did peek at Edgey’s book.  (I am realizing that the Green Politics book is an antidote to the underlying thesis of Guns, Germs, and Steel that all growth is good.)  Edgey’s book seems to be a fun, easy, informative, radical read.  Sort of like the Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of American Empire: A Graphic Adaptation or Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism

The publisher’s comment’s about the book:

Like the erudite bastard child of Crimethinc, Mr Wildchild lays out the problems of capitalism, civilization, and consumer society (engaging anarchist-communism, left-communism and primitivism) today, while proposing a few modest remedies for the destruction of it all, and for a life lived to the full. Plus two essays from an Indigenist perspective, from Esperanza Naciente.


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