Several state Green Parties are working to win ballot access and you can help! You can help take the next step to getting Green Party candidates on the ballot in all 50 states in 2012 today. We currently need your help in:
Illinois. The Illinois Green Party must collect 5,000 signatures for its 2010 candidates before November 2nd. Download the party’s petition or get in touch with the ILGP at
Arizona. The Arizona Green Party must collect just over 20,000 signatures to win full party recogniation from the state. As the weather starts to get cool, imagine spending time in sunny, warm Arizona helping petition on behalf of the AZGP. Contact the Arizona Green party here to help out.
Arkansas. Despite electing a Green to the state legislature and polling over 20% in a U.S. Senate race in 2008, the Green Party of Arkansas must once again petition for ballot access. The party has filed a lawsuit – its third ballot access suit since 2001 – challenging this exclusionary interpretation of state law. You can read more about this ACLU-supported lawsuit and how you can help it move forward at
Hawaii – The Green Party of Hawaii is currently gathering signatures to retain the ballot access it won in 2008. Stay tuned to GreenLine to learn more about how you can help.
Maryland – The Maryland Green Party is preparing for its 2010 petition drive. State law requires the party to collect 10,000 signatures, but the party must collect many more this year due to new, stricter verification requirements. The party is responding by working with legislators to introduce bills to clarify the verification procedure and lower the signature requirement. Visit to find out how you can help the effort.
There are many ways to contribute. If you live in or near a state that is currently collecting signatures, you can hit the street and start petitioning. Make sure to talk to your local party contact or petition coordinator first. If your state currently doesn’t have ballot access or has to overcome exclusionary rules to win ballot access, talk to your state party leadership about legislation or litigation that could make it easier to get Green Party candidates.
Candidates Need Your Help
Our candidates who have made the ballot for 2009 elections need your support as well! Consider making a donation, making phone calls or going door-to-door on behalf of a candidate in your area, or writing a letter of support to the editor of your local paper. To find a candidate near you, visit the Green Party’s comprehensive election database, where you can search the list of Green candidates by state.
In the Minneapolis area Marcus Harcus is running for City Council, Ward 4, on a platform of fair housing, sustainable economic development, and community safety. You can make a donation or read more about his campaign.
In Minneapolis’s 8th District, Jeanine Estime is running on a platform of education and youth programming, sustainable economic development, and civil rights. You can make a contribution or read more about her campaign.
In California, Michael McCue is running in a special election for Los Angeles City Council’s 2nd District. The vote will be held next week on September 22nd. Visit Michael’s website at now to learn what you can do to get Michael on the LA City Council next week.
On the East Coast, David Marshall is running for re-election to his seat on the Portland (ME) City Council (2nd District). You can check his blog and read more about his re-election race.
Help support all of our Green Party candidates by giving your financial support and your time to
their campaigns.
Filed under: 3rd party, Action Alert!, activism, Ballot issues, election, Election 2009, elections, Green Party, Green Party Websites
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