Green Party candidate Bill Talen, aka the Reverend Billy, has long focused on the principles we hold dear at The L Magazine:
• The importance of public space in the face of an increasingly corporatized approach to urbanism that favors the developer over the individual.
• The need for strong local economies generated from within (rather than imposed on) the city’s neighborhoods.
• Community policing that reconstitutes law enforcement as self-determination rather than occupation.
• Serious investment in public transit, with a focus on sustainable, human-scale infrastructure.
• A heightened eco-consciousness that moves beyond conventional green solutions and radically reconsiders the city’s relationship to the broader world.
• Above all, the idea that we are citizens, not demographic statistics or “clients” to be sold to, marketed to, dismissed, or marginalized. The city is not a corporation, democracy is not a product, and we are not mere consumers.
Filed under: 3rd party, Action Alert!, activism, Election 2009, elections, grassroots democracy, Green Party, New York State Politics
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