Reposted at Green Party Watch, with information provided from the national Green Party web-site.
Green Party Victories on Nov. 3
Wins on Nov. 3, 2009
Pam Hartwell-Herrero wins her race for Fairfax Town Council, Marin County, CA. She finished first of seven candidates for three seats with 1,031 votes or 19.76%. She joins incumbent greens Lew Tremaine and Larry Bragman to form the third Green Party Majority on a City Council in California (Arcata 1996-1998) and Sebastopol (2000-2006) and fourth in US Green History (New Paltz, New York 2003-2004)
Jim Harvey won his re-election to Montara Water and Sanitary District, San Mateo County, CA.
Paul Perkovic won his re-election to Montara Water and Sanitary District, San Mateo County, CA.
Curtis Robinson won his re-election to Marin County Board of Education Member, Trustee Area 6, CA. He finished first of two candidates with 2,385 votes or 61.01%.
Dana Silvernale won her race for Northern Humboldt Union High School District, CA. She finished third of four candidates for three seats with 3,239 votes or 22.7%.
Three greens ran for New Canaan, CT Constable. All were elected! There were six candidates overall for six seats.
Cole Stangler finished fourth with 749 votes
Estela Lopez finished fifth with 666 votes
Hector Lopez was re-elected with 627 votes First, Second and Third received 2,349, 2,403 and 1,608 votes respectively. These are partisan races.
Kevin Donoghue won his re-election to Portland City Council, District 1, Cumberland County, ME. He finished first of two candidates for one seat with 1,779 votes or 66%.
David Marshall ran unopposed for Portland City Council District 2, Cumberland County, ME.
Dan Robinson ran unopposed for re-election to Takoma Park Town Council, Ward 3, Montgomery County, MD. He received 381 votes.
Christine Nagle won her race for College Park City Council District 1, Prince George’s County, MD. She finished second of five candidates for two seats with 281 votes or 28%.
In Newburyport, MA:
Question #1 Shall a commission be elected to frame a charter for Newburyport?
Question #1 wins by a large margin Yes: 3,336 No: 1,233
Bruce Menin, who serves on the city’s School Committee, was elected to the Newburyport Charter Commission. He finished fifth of twenty candidates for nine seats with 997 votes.
Chuck Turner won his re-election to Boston City Council, District 7, Suffolk County, MA. He finished first of two candidates for one seat with 5,516 votes or 59.83%
Cam Gordon was re-elected to Minneapolis City Council Ward 2, Hennepin County, MN. He finished first of two candidates for one seat.
Annie Young was re-elected to Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board, Hennepin County, MN. She finished second of four candidates for three seats.
New York
Jennifer Dotson ran unopposed for Ithaca Common Council Ward One, Tompkins County, NY.
Mary Jo Long was re-elected to Afton Town Council, Chenango County, NY. She finished second of three candidates for two seats with 222 votes.
Dennis Spisak was re-elected to Struthers Board of Education, Mahoning County, OH. He finished third of four candidates for three seats with 1,695 votes or 22.1%.
Bill Smedley ran unopposed for his re-election to Nippenose Township Constable, Lycoming County, PA. He received 92 votes or 98.92%.
Jay Sweeney ran unopposed for Falls Township Auditor, Wyoming County, PA. He received 99 votes or 92.52%.
Filed under: 3rd party, Election 2009, elections, green, Green Party, New York State Politics, News, politics, progressive politics, third party, US Politics Tagged: | Annie Young, Bill Smedley, Boston, Christine Nagle, Chuck Turner, Cole Stangler, electoral activism, Estela Lopez, Green Party, Hector Lopez, Jay Sweeney, Marin, mary jo long, New Canaan, Newburyport, Pam Hartwell-Herrero, Pam Herrero, Takoma Park
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