Amityville Record & Babylon Beacon
The Green Party of Suffolk is proud to announce that its chair Roger Snyder and secretary Ian Wilder have been elected to be cochairs of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS) Accreditation Committee (AC) and Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC) respectively. Also Green Party of Suffolk executive board member Matthew Lavery was elected co-chair of the National Green Party House Campaign Committee (NGPHCC) early this year.
Snyder, who is also an at-large national committeeperson for the Green Party of the United States (GPUS), returns for a second term as Accreditation Committee (AC) co-chair. The GPUS Accreditation Committee (AC) reviews requests by forming state parties and caucuses for accreditation. Fortysix states and the District of Columbia have accredited Green Parties.
The Green Party of New York State has been accredited to GPUS since the national party’s inception in 2000.
Wilder, a Copiague attorney and resident of North Babylon, is also a former Green Party of the New York State co-chair, and was a member of the Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC) through the 2008 election cycle. The PCSC represents the national party in the coordination of communication between Green Party Presidential campaigns, accredited state parties and caucuses, and national committees.
“It is imperative to have a Green Party Presidential candidate as an alternative to the Democratic and Republican Party candidates,” said Wilder. “
The Green Party is an alternative party to the Democrats and Republicans. The four pillars of the Green Party are: Nonviolence/Peace; Grassroots Democracy; Social and Economic Justice; and Ecological Wisdom.
For more information about Green Party activities, please go to or call Green Party of Suffolk Chair Roger Snyder at 631-351-5763.
Filed under: 3rd party, activism, Green Party, Green Presidential Campaign 2008, politics, US Politics
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