Took video of the snow outside our window at about 8:15 am. At 9:25am, it looked like it was clearing, and the snowflakes were much more tiny. But, here, at 9:37am, it is back to a lot of big, pouring snowflakes.
Some snow events:
Yesterday, based on the predictions, my work announced ahead of time they would be closed for today. Nice day off!
Ian’s work rarely closes. But, there was no way he was going. So, whatever happened or happens, he is home with me hanging out in the snow. (Or, in the apartment, looking out the window at the snow!)
I heard something about the Governor of NY sending extra snowplows to Long Island. Wonder what that is about? Before I heard that news, I had noticed I heard lots of plows going by. Our town is often bad with snow, so it is a refreshing change that the streets are pretty clear.
The New York City School system announced yesterday it would be closed today. Wonder how and when decisions fit together about where to send the plows? Maybe when the government realized NYC wasn’t even going to try to shovel out, they realized they could send the plows to LI?
I think it is ironic that a NY State Senator was expelled on a vote of his peers last night around 10pm, when the ominous snow started. I don’t think the guy is Caesar. But, it was the first time a NY State Senator or Assembly person was expelled since 1861*. So, maybe, nature responded to the drama…???
If you are looking for something to do in the snow, here is a post we have that gives some ideas: What to do on a snow/rainy day.
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