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Controversial candidate and campaign manager focus on Libertarian Party

Evidently, Republic political strategist  Roger Stone is helping Kristin Davis (former Madam for Eliot Spitzer) to run for Governor of NY.

The strategy being used is that the candidate skipped the official, Libertarian convention, but is pushing forward with an alternate (and controversial) route.

Kristen Davis may petition for Governor on the “Free Libertarian” name in New York, an old affiliate and old name for the now Libertarian Party. It is a brilliant strategy, because third party people like to argue over rules, affiliates, and who is the most worthy of a name.

I do not like this approach. Though, I am interested in watching how it plays out. Kind of like watching a movie with a charismatic anti-hero.

First of all, I don’t believe that Roger Stone or Kristen Davis are truly doing this out of any sense of ideological purity. In addition, the old party bureaucrat in me believes that when people go out of their way to organize a party for so many years, that group’s process has a certain integrity (so, I feel David should have at least gone to the Libertarian state convention.) And, I think this could really hurt the Libertarian Party, and that may have been the point of the campaign manager, if not the candidate.

If Kristen Davis can submit petitions under “Free Libertarian Party”, and the regular Libertarians file under “Libertarian Party”, unfortunately, the power to decide who stays on the ballot under the Libertarian name will be the Board of Elections and/or the state courts, which means the power will essentially go to Democrats and Republicans, who basically own the BOE and the courts. (Perhaps giving the power to them major parties, where he can wheel and deal, was another one of Roger Stone’s goals?)

This situation is a significant event in NY politics. It is important to all voters. And, third party folks, especially, should watch what is going on.

Below  is an excerpt from Independent Political Report. (I left off the name-calling, which Roger Stone and Warren Redlich and others are doing to create confusing and colorful smokescreens.)

(excerpt from) Independent Political Report
Davis Revives Free Libertarian Party of NY, Roger Stone Comments on Redlich

April 26th, 2010

The Free Libertarian Party was the name of the U.S. Libertarian Party’s affiliate in New York for the first few years of its existence. Now Kristin Davis, a gubernatorial hopeful in New York, intends to revive the name of the state party after losing, or not contesting, the nomination for the Libertarian Party of New York. Libertarian Republican has the story here.

Davis’ campaign manager, the infamous political consultant Roger Stone, let loose a flurry of insults towards Warren Redlich, the winner of the NYLP nomination for Governor…

It remains to be seen whether Davis can make good on her promise to petition herself onto the ballot. There will likely be litigation over the issue of two parties using the name “Libertarian”. There are also rumors that Davis may be able to convince other famous New Yorkers to join her ticket.

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